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Volley-cats🐱 GC

Manager is online.

Manager✨ has made changes.

Anyone wanna hangout?
I'm bored

Bed head💤 is online.

Bed head💤
I don't have anything to do
so why not

Others are online

Moto moto😏

I don't have a choice do I?

Make sure you dress up! 👀


You decided to invite the team to a event that you won tickets to.
It was themed, you got Yaku a matching outfit.

You slipped it in his bag back at the camp, he was confused but it fit and you had another surprise for him.

You decided to tell him to wear his part of the set, while you wore yours.

(or whatever colour you want

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(or whatever colour you want.)

Your bag was packed and you went down to the living room. "Where are you going dressed like that?"

You smiled at your dad, "The event I won tickets for." he nodded and made sure you had everything, gave you a kiss and you left.

On the way you got a few stares but it didn't bother you at all, when you got there a few of them were already there.


He had a jacket on, because it was getting colder these past few days, so he shivered when he saw you.

"Ohh looking nice Y/N-San."

You gave a peace sign and waited for the rest to show up and when they did. It was time to enjoy the convention.


Somewhere along the line Kenma lost his jacket and he was freezing almost.
"Kenma you ok there?"

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