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"IT'S NOT FAIR!" you sat in Yaku's lap crying into his shoulder, he hugged you reassuringly.

"After everything that we did? He just leaves?!" It was the middle of your second year and your boyfriend just left you for some other side bitch.

"I'm sorry N/N, he didn't deserve you." he rubbed soothing circles on your back, he'd been comforting for a few hours now, but you didn't seem to be letting go anytime soon.

Both of you were hungry but ignored it. "THE LAST GUY WAS AN ASSHOLE AND-and just when I thought..."

He hummed and kept holding you like that, "... I'm sure you'll find someone."

Earlier in the day at volleyball practice.

"Yaku for the love of God I can't keep listening to you talk about her!"

Kai was fed up with his on going rambling about you, "I don't know what you mean."

He sighed deeply, rubbing his face. "You like her."

Yaku laughed, denying it, no he didn't after all he was planning to confess to some other girl and you were in a happy relationship.

"No one talks about a 'friend' the way you do."

You could see the gears turning in his head, "N-no... Do I?... Holy shit I do." Kai gave him a smack on his back and a thumbs up.

"now you have to do something with those feelings."

"How tho???" Yaku complained trying to rub where he was hit. "try something you both like?"

He thought about it."hmm I like baking and she likes eating the stuff I bake?" he snapped his fingers and pointed to the libero, "You could bake together."


"Great! Now go do it."

"present" time

'ohh I'm awful she's literally crying and I'm not focused at all.' you stopped sniffing and slowly stood up, wiping your face.


He nodded and stood up with you.
"I know it's wrong but did you fully love him?"

"...I'm happy to have had a relationship but I guess I wasn't being myself?"

You weren't fully happy with him just happy you had some one to love, so you weren't as open about yourself as you liked to be.

Scared of the rejection that would come, if you did and not knowing if anyone else would love you.

"You know how people look at me, no girl is supposed to be strong like I am."

He pondered your words and platted your head, "it doesn't matter to strong or not I'll love you for you."

You smiled st him, "Thanks Yaku, I appreciate you."

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