chapter 2 - "I don't want you to die"

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As soon as the bell rang Richie grabbed his bag and rushed to the bathroom.

Eddie was sat down against the wall.
He stared down at his cast.
This is so stupid.
Why did he say that? Whipping his face roughly he felt tired, he slowly slipped into unconsciousness.

A lot of the students would kick, poke, and even draw insults and slurs on his the boy while he was passed out.

Even when the bell rang he didn't seem to wake up. Though he was asleep Eddie's eyes stayed open and empty.

Richie was running through the halls which was very hard due to how crowded it was. He swerved and dodged other kids, ignoring the fact that he'd almost eaten shit 5 times from running into them.

He slowed down as he got to the bathroom door and cracked it open slowly. "Ed's?" Richie questioned with his face in the crack of the door.

Hearing his voice Eddie snapped out of it taking a small sigh. Walking out the stall Eddie seemed... fine? After all he went through he was calm. The first things his sight met were drawings on his face in the mirror. "...Can you help...?"

Richie was confused, he couldn't really see through the crack so he opened the door all the way. When he did, he snorted and covered his mouth trying not to laugh.

".....yeah.." He mumbled as he walked up to Eddie, still holding back laughter.

"Shut up Richie!" Scrubbing his face with water it only smudged it more.

Whipping his face he spoke. "I had a dream, It was so detailed...Bill, Mike, Ben, and Beverly was there. So were you... but you were still ugly."

Richie immediately rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, you know you love me"
He spoke as he grabbed some paper towels and held them under the sink faucet.

"Ew dude-" Moving away from him a bit as he kept scrubbing waiting for the paper towel.

"You were really ugly, and unfunny, and old, and very wrinkly with dumb bulky glasses. Sounds like you already..Almost identical..." Putting his fingers in a box, he held it up to Richie face, looking through it. "Yep! I see it."

Richie snorted a little under his breath. "Wait, why was I old?" He asked with a smile as he turn the water off and walked up to Eddie.

"I don't know! I'm just telling you what I saw." Richie started to wipe the smudgy doodles off Eddie's face, but before he could the boy snatched the paper towel and did it himself.

Richie rolled his eyes again.

"You should get plastic surgery when you're older though. And get rid of those old-man glasses." Richie stared at him, and leaned on the sink.

"Yeah well you should get plastic surgery one day so you're not so small" He said whipping the water off his face, intentionally trying to splash Eddie.

"That's not what plastic surgery is for dipshi-!" The boy was cut off by the water hitting his face, causing him to tense up. He looked up at him annoyed. "No wonder you're still sing-..." Randomly he stared off at Richie with seemingly nothing in his mind.

"Yea right I have your mom..."
Richie didn't notice Eddies blank stare until he turned back to face him. "Eddie??" Richie said confused waving his hand in front of Eddie.

Everything went quiet... the sounds of footsteps in the background. He kept his eyes on Richie before tearing up a bit. After a moment he snapped out of what he was in.

Almost immediately, just like in the class, without warning he started crying a bit whipping his eyes, struggling to hold himself together. "- FUCKIN HELL!!"

Richie jumped at Eddie yelling "Eddie what the hell, are you ok? What happened?"

"I just- I don't know what..." Leaning against the sink, he tried to catch his breath. Looking back up at him Eddie without a second thought hugged him, muffling any crying into the others shirt. "I'm fine..."

Richie wrapped his arms around Eddie and gently held him "you don't look fine..what happened?"

"...I don't want you to die. That wasn't the fucking plan!" Gripping onto the back of his shirt Eddie lifted his head up. "I saw It again...and you..."

Richie looked down at Eddie concerned and confused "me?.." Eddie looked away. "Y-yeah. You ran off to fight It and died... and I couldn't help. I don't know what that means but I don't I want you dea-"

"Hey w-what are you doing? I could h-hear you t-t-two from the hall! C-c-come on."

Eddie quickly let go of Richie hearing Bill's voice through the bathroom door, embarrassed.

Trying to calm down Eddie whipped his hands off on his shorts before going to the door.

"You're comin Rich?"

Richie looked back and quickly threw the wet napkins in the sink. He grabbed his bag and fallowed along "Why of corse, my Eddie spaghetti" He smiled softly.

"Shush!" Eddie snipped at the other, shutting the door behind before Richie could even get out.

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