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The sun flooded over the horizon with its first rays. Panting and exhausted, both Selene and Vincent layed on the grass.

"You learn fast." Vincent huffs, running his hands through his hair.

Selene stares at the fading night as she snickers. "No, I mimic easily. I've always been able to be shown and then mimic. I learned to sew, wash, cook, clean; I learned everything that way. I mimic things. I only need to see something two or three times before I've memorized it." She sits up, shaking her head as she undoes her hair and then strings it up again.

"It's just us, why keep yourself looking human?" Vincent pushes to rest on his arms as he stares at Selene. It's slightly condescending. There is this sense of judgment in his tone that is there, but not too heavy.

"Habits?" She can't see any other reason for it other than that. Though perhaps she doesn't like standing out. Even among them, she likes to be in a shadow, away from attention.

"What were you two up to so early?" Dorian's tired voice interrupts whatever moment they had been having.

"Sparring, what? Are you jealous, Dor?" Vincent smirks as he sits up.

Dorian glanced at Selene, who just gave him a smile. "With her?" There isn't much to his tone to be heard.

Dorian has always been the type to easily hide everything, even from his closest companions. Even if he is jealous, he'd never act on it; never admit to it. If Vincent wishes to get to know the female Dorian has taken interest in, he'd let him. Dorian is the guard and Vincent the prince. A prince who deserves a little joy.

"I'm a fast learner apparently." Selene beams as she stands up.

Vincent follows her to stand, and then stretches. "Suppose we're heading out now then?"

"I packed everything already, so yes. If we hurry, we'll get to town by noon." Dorian sighs as the three of them head to the carriage.

Taking their respective seats, it falls silent again.

Dorian continues to glance between Selene and Vincent. Vince did a full spin on how he talks with her. Though, he tends to be a jerk when he's stressed or things pile up. That explains some things, but fighting with her? He hopes his friend doesn't take this time spent with her to find a distraction. Dorin scoffs lightly at the thought. It's bad enough his friend caught feelings for a saintness who refuses to leave the temple. He still needs to deal with his recovery from that. That recovery shouldn't include turning to a girl who likely comes from nothing. Though perhaps that's unfair of him to say. He wants his friend to be happy.

"So, what are we gonna be up to when we reach the town?" Selene asks her question as she stares out the window.

"Easy, the Fae murdered around here had to have friends or people who knew him. We'll ask if anybody recognizes your parents. Luckily, most of the investigating is already done for us by the incompetent fools who let him get loose. We know the bars the victim went to regularly and the stores. Ah, there's also a widow and child." Vincent hums as he tosses a rock in his hand.

Selene tilts her head with a sigh. So, an established link of sorts. It's interesting, odd that's how this is going, but efficient, kinda. Selene hums a bit to herself. As she taps her foot to the floor.

The two men listen to her humming, it's a bit familiar. "What song is that?" Dorian asks, his head tilted to the side as he tries to place where he knows the humming from. It's frustrating that he can't place it, simply recognizes bits and pieces. He can almost hear a different voice alongside the melody.

Selene tears her eyes from the scenery they're passing to focus on the two males in front of her. "The hum? Dunno." She shrugs, swinging her legs.

Vincent sighs, shrugging his shoulders, and Selene goes back to watching the scenery.

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