Chapter 1

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"Hi is your fridge running?

"Uhh yeah?"


*Sounds of giggling could be heard from the other side of the screen*

"Look I know you are depressed teenagers who have nothing better to do with their life than to call people and make stupid prank calls, but can you AT LEAST have an ounce of self respect?! What type of- ugh!"

"Geez it was just a prank"

"JUST A PRANK,JUST A PRANK?! Do you know how much time I wasted listening to this your stupid prank? I wasted exactly 2 minutes, 8 seconds and two milliseconds"

"First of all,stop screaming in the phone just speak normally also, how did you know the time so accurately"


"It's probably because I'm a genius and you're an illiterate."



🎶"Why do you have to be so rude?"🎶

*Sings back*

🎶"Maybe try some auto tune"🎶


"Grow up"


"I'm hanging up"



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