Chapter 5

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"You called first this time..."

"Are you smiling?"

"Maybe, Maybe not"

"You're weird"

"I get told that a lot"

"If we're going to keep on calling each other we might as well get to know ourselves better"

"I guess your right"

"What's your favorite color"


"Just say blue like a regular person"

"It's not just blue,it's like this greenish blue shade"

"I know what Cyan looks like"

"Aha! So you admit it should be called Cyan"


"What's your favorite color?"

"Jet Black"


"Because I want that to be the color of my future Hellacat"

"That thing is so overrated"

"They're not"

"It's like every other car"

"No, that shit can go up to 203 mph"

"Woah, Which type are you getting?"

"SRT Durango"

"That's expensive as hell"

"No shit Sherlock"


"That's my middle name"

"It really suits you then"

"I know"



"Hello, Earth to Mr. Rude?"


"I can't believe I'm saying this but your laugh is pretty attractive"

"You can't see me through the screen but I'm blushing"


"What's your eye color?"


"That's a pretty cool eye color to have"

" What's yours?"

"Brown, my eyes are probably the color of poop"

"I'm sure they're not"

"They pretty much are..."

"I have to go Bye"


Im so confused right now!!! More than just a prank call is listed 19 ON DIALOGUE TYSM!!! For all the people who supported the book this far 😭😭

~Anyways more information is going to be revealed about our two protagonists in the next chapter until then...

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