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Time is often thought of as something uniform; blanketed across the entire universe effecting everything the same. The reality though, is that time is not linear at all, it is relative to space and effects everyone differently depending on their position in the world. My position is in prison, and here time is an organic, living, breathing, intangible force that moves at a different pace for each individual and has a separate effect specifically tailored to suit every soul it touches in a unique way. It is often said that "time can either make you or break you", or "do the time don't let the time do you". Both mantras speak to time as being anything but uniform. It gives time not only life, but power as well. An attribute of duration that is both adjustable and unchanging, continuous and immobile. Both ambivalent and resolute in all its ways.

Recent events have put a new focus on the prison system and shifted attention to some much needed justice reform. I was moved by a dear friend to share my own personal experiences, and add a different dimension to the discussion. It was also said to me that if I did choose to share this story it would have to be in full disclosure and absolute in it's transparency. That level of vulnerability almost made me shy away from starting and is at this very moment making me hesitate to continue. But as it remains, if you are reading this it is already too late to turn back.

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