Chapter 3.

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"Still refuse to sleep in your room?" Dean asked, sitting next to Syphen and offering her a beer.

"For now." She said, popping the cap off of the beer and taking a sip.

Dean chuckled, taking a big drink of the alcohol before setting the bottle on the coffee table in front of them. The living room area had been turned into Syphen's little haven, fairy lights and different pieces of comfortable bean bags and other furniture littered the room with a reading nook, a crafting area, and an alter for when she wanted to do little spells and offerings for the deities she worshipped.

Dean's green eyes caught the alter, noticing a crystal tower was set on it.

"You never did tell me who all you worship." Dean commented.

The huntress chuckled. "You're an atheist, thought you wouldn't be into that type of thing." She replied, taking another sip of the beer in her hand.

The elder Winchester raised his hands in mock surrender. "Just curious, given how now apparently everything I didn't believe in actually exists for some damn reason."

Syphen flicked his cheek. "Careful, princess might get offended." They both chuckle at that.

"Or your boy toy." Dean joked, nudging Syphen in the ribs playfully.

The ginger scoffed and pushed him away. "It was five months ago you hobo." She huffed, before laughing as Dean tackles her and tickles her ribs.

"Why are you two rough housing before bed? You'll get riled up and won't sleep." Sam chastises, shaking his head.

The younger Winchester wore a pair of grey sweatpants and a loose black T-shirt, which meant he was getting ready for bed.

"He started it!" Syphen replied childishly, pointing up at the older Winchester who still had her tackled to the ground.

Sam shook his head with a laugh.


"Seems like you boys don't know much about your little huntress." Lucifer drawled, leaning against the island as he watched the Winchester's and Castiel argue quietly.

Dean fists his Angel blade and moves towards Lucifer but Sam stops him, the younger Winchester and Castiel giving the Devil a heavy look.

"That's because we don't." Sam said quietly, forcing the Angel blade from Dean's grip.

"There was a hunt, demons, I got to Dean before I could get to Sam, and just as we turned around she was there, one of the guns in her hand standing over a demon's vessel." Castiel explained.

"After that, we took her with us and taught her about being a Hunter." Dean finished.

"Other than that we know nothing of her or where she came from." Castiel said, coming between the brothers.

"Except that my favorite color is red." Syphen pipes up, fingers combing through her ginger hair as she stumbles blindly towards the bathroom.

"How are you so silent?" Dean grunts, green eyes following her form.

"Just am." She said before disappearing around a corner.

She stumbled into the bathroom and brushed her teeth, taking the hair brush and an elastic hair tie with her to her room so she could get ready for the day.

She came back twenty minutes later in ripped jeans and a black long sleeve crew neck with her shirt tucked in, her belt secured tighter than needbe like usual, her hair tied into a ponytail.

Once again, Lucifer's gaze catches on her back where he thinks he sees the outlines of wings before he blinks and they're gone. But the question was..

Was he the only one that could see those outlines, or could the others see them too?

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