Chapter.7 (Sort of smutty) 🥤

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"Mmm.." He grinned even more as he saw her trying to play tough.

"Are you going to make me?"He murmured with a playful grin, as he reached for her hips again, his hands gripping her tightly.

*His hands gripped her hips firmly, pushing her closer to his body. He knew that touching her was the way to bring her back to her soft, submissive self again.

"..Make me shut my mouth."He murmured, as he smiled softly back at her, the playful look on his face contradicting how rough he was with her.

She forcefully pushed him down, her thighs sliding down trapping him temporarily, pining him to the ground in one smooth woosh.

*He was not expecting this at all, and he couldn't help but let out a quick whimper at her rough move. He felt her thighs press against him, pinning him to the bed as she trapped him in her grip.

"Do you forget, that I'm a high ranking solider ?" She placed a hand at his throat, slightly putting pressure, blocking his airway.

"..Yes, I.. I guess I did." He mumbled out, as her hand pressed against his throat.

*He couldn't help but twitch and shudder from the amount of pressure she was placing on him, but he couldn't let his body betray him completely.*

"..But I'm stronger than you." He managed to mutter out after a few minutes, trying his best to put on his best tough attitude.

Her fierce gaze never wavered, her eyes scanning, observing his every move.

*His gaze didn't change either, as his best attempt at keeping a tough and stoic attitude failed miserably as she observed him.

He remained still for a few moments before he spoke again, with his voice sounding even more shaky than it normally did.

"..You're not so tough.." He murmured, his jaw clenching tightly.

"Fuck you" she grumbled, pressing down harder on his neck.

*He groaned slightly as her grip got stronger. He tried to keep his body still, to keep his tough attitude up, but as the pressure on his neck got stronger, he couldn't help but feel his body betray him.

"..I said I'm stronger than you." He murmured , although he could barely mutter out the words as he was starting to get slightly choked up from the pressure.

"..I.." He grumbled softly under his breath, as she maintained her grip on his neck and pressed even harder on his airway.

Ghost was trying his best to keep his tough guy attitude, but he was failing horribly and becoming more and more vulnerable to her power in the process.

"Show me, show me how much stronger you are than me." She spat, her words sharp stinging like venom.

"..I..." He grumbled as he tried to resist, but the words failed him as his entire body trembled in his helplessness.

He was starting to feel more overpowered and weaker as she placed more pressure on him, to the point where he had to fight back tears from the pain that was starting to sting his throat.

She let go of her hold, pulling him into a heated kiss.

*Ghost breathed a deep sigh of relief when he felt her grip start to loosen, he could finally breathe again without choking.

*But then, with the slightest of movements she pulled him forward and kissed him with passion and intensity.

It took Ghost by surprise at first, but after a few seconds, he was kissing her back just as passionately, his hands running over her body once more.*

Ghost of You (Ghost x Reader) 🔞Where stories live. Discover now