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MAY 12TH ; 8:38 PM

It's been 2 weeks since me and Connie started talking. He was gonna take me to this new Persian restaurant in Pasadena. "Are you ready to go in yet?" Connie said. "Yea give me one second" I said grabbing my deep pink lipstick. "You said that 10 'one seconds' ago" Connie said clearly getting impatient.

"What are you so eagar about I'm almost finished" I said making him roll his eyes. "I seen that" I said looked at him while putting my lipstick on and grabbing my perfume. "Ok now you're doing to much" Connie said getting out the car. "Are you serious" I paused watching him slam the door. "Why do you even need to reapply lipstick you're about to eat" Connie said.

"You don't get it Connie" I said. "Whatever you look beautiful" Connie said smacking my ass. "Thank you" I smiled.


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"The rice is so good" I said. "Yea" Connie said pulling on bracelets. "Are you ok you seem nervous" I said. "Well I've been sober for a week, I haven't had any nic for 7 hours and it's really fucking hot in here" Connie said. "We can leave early if you want" I said.

"No no I'm not gonna ruin tonight over some stupid withdrawals" Connie said grabbing for my hand. "Are you sure? I know you're headaches are lethal" I said. "I'm fine" Connie said. "Kk just let me know if you change your mind" I said. After a few seconds of silence Connie spoke.

"Solange I brung you here so I could ask you if we could be official" Connie blurted making my eyes go wide. "Really??" I said with my mouth full of rice. "Well..duh" Connie said. "Well duh" I started grinning. "Close your mouth you animal we're in a restaurant" Connie started laughing. "Shut up" I said not being able to hold back my smile.

"You're so cute now come smooch me" Connie reached over the table. I gave him a peck on the lips. "We'll save the rest for later" I said tapping his nose.

"Oh okay" Connie winked before we both started laughing. "Have I told you about my mom" I said. "Hm" Connie hummed eating his kabob. "Her and my dad wanna come out here to meet you" I said.

"Ouuuu when" Connie said. "Next week" I said. "My mom is also harassing me to bring you on the trip to Jamaica" I said. "Hey I'm down" Connie out his hands up. Me and Connie stayed for about another hour before we left. "Hey I got something else for you Connie stopped making me stop. "Stop getting me gifts Consuelo" I said.

"Never" Connie said digging in his pocket. "I know how much you love moonstones so.." Connie opened the tiny box.

"Awww Connie stop it right now" I froze. "You like it?" Connie said. "I love it" I tightly hugged him. "Put it on me bae" I said. "I gotchu" Connie said sliding it on my ring finger. "We should get necklace initials of eachothers" I said.

"Bet it's a jewelry shop down here" Connie said. We were inside the jewelry shop and we found the a 's' and 'c' and left. "Now everybody knows you're my little bitch" I winked. "Aht aht" Connie raised his eyebrow. "I get that pussy soaked everytime you see me" Connie said.

"And you saying I don't be getting that dick hard" I said getting in his face.

Connie pulled over into a parking lot. "Take off your panties and show me" Connie smirked. "No asshole keep driving" I said. "Don't make me take em off" Connie said. "Boy whatever" I said.

"Yea because you know what I do to you" Connie said. We were listening to Jukebox Joints by A$AP ROCKY and out of nowhere I tossed my black thong on Connies leg.

He looked down but I grabbed his face and made him look at me. "You know to not put me in a mood I'll fuck you while you're driving" I said making strong eye contact with Connie while I rubbed on my clit. "You doing this right now- after I just pulled over" Connie said. "Yes because I want you to watch and hear me" I hummed starting with one finger.

I stuck in the other, soft moans leaving my mouth. "You're right Connie" I said.

"I want your dick right now" I said leaning over the seat and unbuckling his pants. "Fuck me extra hard tonight" I whispered in his ear.

 "Fuck me extra hard tonight" I whispered in his ear

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