4. Awaken

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[Sabre POV]

Hhmm . ..
. .

Ugh . . .

I feel my eyes open taking in light from the room I am in. What even happened. My body feel like I haven't moved it in a long time. As my eyes scan the room I look to see the Orange leader in a chair next to me with their eyes closed.

Suddenly I came to a realization. I was in the Orange Village help with Chores and then I heard . . . His Voice. I-I though I never hear or see him again.

"Oh so you finally awake." A voice say. I look to the direction of the voice and see The green leader standing up looking at me. The leader speak again, "You know you scared all of us. Rainbow and Light were both especially worried." Of corse Light and Rainbow were worried.

The green leader looks at The orange leader and states, "Looks like they fell a sleep, though that is aspected since he stay up look after you"  Oh the orange leader I probably scarred him the most because I did pass out in front of him.

"Oh he really didn't have to," I said

"Well you know how much he cares," The leader stated. He walked over to me and then asked, "Sabre can you tell me what happen to cause you to have a panic attack," They look at me with worry plastered on their face.

Well I guess I couldn't get away from them asking why I suddenly passed. "Well I . . thought that I heard a voice that doesn't bring back . . Good memories," I explained, it is true but it not what fully what happened, but does it really matter?

As time passed the green leader ask me question and check up on me until he then left, and during the time that green was here Orange leader did finally awaken, which resulted in another worried rant about what happened. Though he did also leave with the green leader after checking on me.

So know I am just sitting here waiting until the green leader comes back to tell me that I am discharged.

". . . Ugh I am sooo bored it just like when I was in the lab and I would to wait-" I stopped my train of thoughts for a second, I normally never to to think about the lab, except if I am thinking about my caretakers, Sꖌ||ᒷ and L||ᓵ⍑ᒷᒷ. I still miss them they were like older Siblings to me.

My mind start to drift off to when the two twins have me the name Sabre because I start to dislike how the scientists use my name name
Uリ╎ℸ ̣ || against me like I wasn't human. Sꖌ||ᒷ and L||ᓵ⍑ᒷᒷ we're the two people in that place I could fully trust, and I wish I could see them again.

Even so I should dwell on the past to much. Let just wait for the green leader to come.

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Yes in the end I am know been discharged, and can now go back to the rainbow hub. As I tell my goodbyes the green leader teleport me to the Rainbow hub.

After the white light disappears, I am now standing in the gazebo.

"Sabre your back!" I see Rainbow running up to me, with light right behind him. Rainbow then pull me into a quick hug.

I state, "Yep I am back. Did you think I would stay down for long chief." Rainbow then release me from his grip. A smile is on his face.

"It good to see you back Sabre," Light said, and then Rainbow says, "Oh Sabre I have something to show me, come on" He grab my arm and is dragging me over to the house.

"Ok ok I going" I laugh out.

"Your going to dislocate his arm Rainbow," Light says, and he is just laughing at Rainbow silliness.

Oh what would I do without these two

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.-( 3rd POV )-.

Sᔑʖ∷ᒷ watch as the scientists talk with Sꖌ||ᒷ and L||ᓵ⍑ᒷᒷ in the other room, and his caretakers didn't look happy with what the scientists told them.

As the twins entered the room again. Sꖌ||ᒷ  replied, "They can't be serious. Do they really except us to allow them to do that"

L||ᓵ⍑ᒷᒷ responded, "Sister you know how desperate the higher ups have gotten," L||ᓵ⍑ᒷᒷ then gave Sꖌ||ᒷ a look at said let talk about it later when she tried to talk.

"What happened? Was it bad?" Sᔑʖ∷ᒷ asked.

"Don't worry about it too much Sᔑʖ∷ᒷ ." L||ᓵ⍑ᒷᒷ stated, he want to distract the little one so he said, "Now what did you say want to tell me and Sꖌ||ᒷ?"

"Oh yea, look at what One of the other experiment told me." The Child then went over to area and tells the twins what they learned. The twins went over and sat on the ground while they listen to Sᔑʖ∷ᒷ  rant about what they learned, and the other topic they are interested in.

✩__________________ ✩

*Checks how long it been since I have updated*

Its Been MONTHS, to be exactly Six MONTHS

Ahhh 0^0

Sorry I been so busy with updating my other stories that I kinda forgot to update this one.

Anyhow I hope your have a good day/night.

Now I have to disappear soo byee

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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