Chapter 14: To Be Chosen - 4

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Chapter 14: To Be Chosen

“Then do you want to go in? I’m only asking if you want to, you don’t have to worry about anything else,” Qing Xuzi said, his gaze piercing Qin Kaiyi’s soul.

“…” The room seemed to close in on Qin Kaiyi. His heart pounded, a trapped bird desperate for escape. Why did Qing Xuzi’s question ignite panic within him? But he had already committed himself—his earlier words bound him. “Naturally, I want to go in.”

“Okay, then.” Qing Xuzi clapped his hands, the sound echoing like a gavel. “After a month, you will follow the rest of the troops. Qin’er, shifu has secretly let you in through the backdoor. For shifu’s sake, don’t fall short.”

The words hung in the air, a noose tightening around Qin Kaiyi’s throat. He couldn’t cough them out or swallow them. The impulse to roar clawed at him—Laozi doesn’t want to step into that accursed secret realm! Laozi needs time to cultivate, to harness the demonic forces that churn within. Laozi’s dog eyes will be blinded by Shen Feixiao’s protagonist halo, aaahhhhhhhh!

But reason prevailed. Qin Kaiyi’s smile wavered, a fragile mask. “Thank you, shifu, for your generous affection…”

“But keep this matter a secret for now.” Qing Xuzi misread Qin Kaiyi’s expression, mistaking it for gratitude. He rose, patting Qin Kaiyi’s shoulder. “You come with me.”

“Yes.” The room spun, halos dancing before Qin Kaiyi’s eyes. The path ahead was treacherous, and the threads of fate pulled taut.

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