A9 C275: Where Did It Go?

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Xiao Jin'ang was unaware that one of the boxes he bought was missing. Holding the bulging plastic bag, he wandered aimlessly around the living room, contemplating where to hide it. After a moment of thought, he decided to stuff it at the bottom of the wardrobe.

Sang Feiwan had mentioned that these things should not be seen by the other party to avoid embarrassment, so hiding them in a convenient place would be fine.

By the time Ming Zhou finished his shower, Xiao Jin'ang had already disposed of the "evidence" and was sitting on the floor playing with the cat. Without saying anything, Ming Zhou followed the cat's meow and approached Xiao Jin'ang, slowly squatting down beside him, asking, "Should we give it a name?"

Startled, Xiao Jin'ang asked, "Who?"

Ming Zhou whispered, "The cat. Every adopted cat should have a name."

Realizing this, like the system in the interstellar space station, which has many subsystems, each with a different name, Xiao Jin'ang looked at the cat in his arms and then at Ming Zhou, pondered for a moment, and tentatively asked, "How about calling it 'Da Jingang'?"

Ming Zhou was taken aback, almost suspecting he had misheard, "What?"

Xiao Jin'ang insisted, "Da Jingang (Big King Kong)."

Ming Zhou: "..."

Although Ming Zhou couldn't quite understand why Xiao Jin'ang wanted to give the cat such a domineering name, he could only attribute it to Xiao Jin'ang watching too much "Godzilla vs. Kong". Trying to be tactful, he suggested, "How about something cuter?"

Xiao Jin'ang pondered, "Diamond?"

Ming Zhou: "Seems a bit odd?"

Xiao Jin'ang: "Shine (Shan Liang)?"

He liked things that were sparkling, glittering and shiny.

Ming Zhou: "Any other suggestions?"

Xiao Jin'ang: "Amber? Agate? Jade? Crystal?"

It was getting even stranger...

Ming Zhou couldn't help but laugh, "Why are all these names like... gemstones?"

Blushing, Xiao Jin'ang touched his nose, thinking those were names of other subsystems, and said somewhat embarrassedly, "But I'm not good at naming things."

Ming Zhou: "Then let's go with Shine."

That seemed to be the only decent one among the jumble of names, and Ming Zhou wasn't great at naming either.

The little cat on the floor meowed twice upon hearing "Bright and Shiny", whether in approval or protest, Xiao Jin'ang chose to interpret it as liking the name. Carefully, he placed the kitten into its nest, "Shine, will you be called Shine from now on?"

The kitten lowered its head to lick its paw, its blind right eye slightly swollen under the light, "Meow~"

Ming Zhou couldn't see the cat or Xiao Jin'ang. He sat quietly on the floor, his chin against his knees, eyelashes casting a shadow over his eyes, looking a bit lost in thought. After a while, he whispered, "You won't abandon it... will you?"

Hearing this question, Xiao Jin'ang curiously looked at Ming Zhou and then earnestly shook his head, "It's my cat now, I won't abandon what's mine."

Humans are intelligent beings but are also skilled at letting go. From the moment they are born, every passing year, they shed something from themselves. Initially, it's innocence and naivety, then it's shyness and awkwardness, and finally, it's their radiance and carefreeness.

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