Chap. 14: Paralyzed

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-Jimin POV-

After a few days, Jina was able to leave the hospital, I finally shared their story with my parents. My mom immediately offered our house to them, they can stay as long as they want. I gave up my room for Jina, Jungkook and I will sleep in the living room.

I felt so bad for Jina.

She thinks it's temporary but the doctor said if the treatment doesn't help, she could stay paralyzed forever.

Jungkook and I thought it was best not to tell her that part. For now she is willing to go through all the treatment she needs to get back on her feet.

Poor Jina..

She never deserved this.

I'm so sorry I wasn't there when you needed me, now it's my turn to help you.

It's like we reversed spots.

Now she's the hopeless one who's crying out for help. And I couldn't be more willing to do so.

I really hope she recovers fast.

Jungkook came downstairs.

"Is she good?" I asked.

He nodded. "She's fine, she just needs rest for now..."



Awkward silence.

Now what?



"Do you think she'll be paralyzed forever?"


"No. I can't imagine what'd that be like."

"She'll be so devastated she'd want to kill herself.."

"Don't say that. Jina's gonna be fine."

"I hope so..because if not she'll have to rely on me..I'll become the older brother she never had..whoa.."

"Relax man. We'll just have to hope for the best and support her."



You got this Jina.

I know you'll pull through.

You're only paralyzed from the waist down, you can still move your upper body.

I have so much hope for her it's not even funny. So much has happened and this is something I never thought would ever occur.

*ding dong*

Who could that be?

I answered the door.



"I heard what happened to Jina." She walked inside. "I came here as fast as possible. Where is she?"

Since when does she care so much about Jina? Hmm..

"Uhm..she's upstairs but she's asleep."

" it true she's paralyzed?!"


"Oh..that's good. Right?"


She sighed. "It's so sad...if she ends up paralyzed forever she could never fight again. Right?"

Jungkook: She WILL not end up paralyzed forever.

Serena awkwardly turned around.

Serena: I'm sorry..I didn't mean to upset you.

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