The Sea Cries in Red and Blood

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Iluna frantically pulled at the net until the strength of her arms left her. She was covered in cuts on her hands and arms, and the smell of blood in the water was starting to become overwhelming. She could only close her eyes as frustration and helplessness bubbled from her chest, the terrified scream of the young hatchling ringing in her ear. This was how her sisters and the guards had found her later. They had set out when the hatchling girl approached them, who was now terrified when Iluna was taking too long to come back.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Iluna kept repeating in her mind, unsure if she was even sending her thoughts properly to her sisters. She was carried back to her room, where the healer quickly checked on her.

"She's in shock," the healer told her worried siblings. She was given something to help her rest, and the last thing she heard before her eyes dropped was her father's anxious voice, asking how she was doing.

Yet the events earlier continued to follow her even in her sleep. She woke up gasping for air, her heart beating too fast. The image of the nets stretching so far out that freedom became an impossible thought still followed her through her dreams. This time, the hatchling caught was of her younger self, pulled from the ocean and kept in a container where she could see everything yet unable to escape its confines.

"Hey, hey. Slow down now."

She saw Meila moving from her seat on her table. One of her tentacles caressed her hair, "Are you alright? Any pains?"

Iluna started to shake her head but aborted the action quickly when it caused her throbbing head to feel worse. She rubbed her forehead and noticed the cuts on her palms. The memories of what happened earlier came flooding back in.

Meila poked her on the cheeks. "Hey, no need to look like that. You tried your best. No one is going to blame you for what happened."

Iluna averted her gaze and pursed her lips. She knows there is nothing much she can do without being captured herself. Yet she cannot shake away the gripping terror that rose at the sight of the nets falling on top of her, her arms and tail tangled until she could no longer move. Nor could she explain why she felt and reacted that way.

She put her hand on her sister's wrist. Have their families been informed?

Meila patted the hand holding on her arm, "Your emotions are muddled, dear. Take a deep breath first."

Iluna followed her instructions. Have the families been informed about the abduction?

Her sister nodded, "Yes, Marina went to inform them herself after you fell asleep. The kingdom is on high alert, and all residents are informed to stay within their residences. The ship by the east had been spotted leaving the waters near us this early afternoon, but caution must still be followed."

Iluna noticed that the world outside her window was now dark. Had she really slept for that long?

She was about to ask when her gaze landed on her table, where Meila was earlier. Her bag from earlier was on top of it, its contents arranged on its surface. Along those was the pendant that had her name inscribed in it.

Meila followed her gaze and then gave her an understanding smile.

"Apologies, I was just trying to organize your things for you, but some of the items. . . admittedly caught my attention." Her worry must have been visible as her sister suddenly chuckled, "Don't worry, you're not in trouble. I am curious, though, where did you find such an object? It's made by humans, am I right?"

Iluna nodded. It was down the trench close to where I pulled out barnacles the other day. I found it when I went down to look for my pick. She looked at her curiously. Do you know anything about it?

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