Chapter 11: I can never hate you.

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"" jimin said with his rusty voice. Jungkook looked up to listen to jimin.

"Who?" he questioned looking at him alerted. He checked left and right to see anyone inside.

"Tae tae" nabi chimmed in happiness eyeing jimin. Jungkook looked at them with confusion jimin nods his head with teary eyes.

"He is out?" Jungkook pointed the door showing his big doe eyes. Nabi nods her head vigorously instead of jimin.

Jungkook dashed out to see who is that person. Listening to the door sound the person tried to run away but Jungkook has fast reflex he held the omega tightly.

"Why are you running?" Jungkook asked in serious deep voice scaring the poor omega. "Why did you hide when I look" he asked even more loudly scaring the omega who was playing hide and seek from long time.

"I'm sorry" taehyung muttered slowly and looked like a puppy. His strawberry scent turned sour.

"Get in. Jimin called you inside?" Jungkook pointed inside rolling his eyes but taehyung looked up with wide eyes.

"" Taehyung said shuttering while collecting tears. "Yes he called you in" Jungkook assured him looking at his teary eyes.

Taehyung ran inside leaving Jungkook behind. "Jimin-ah" he called jimin crying loudly.

"Tae tae" nabi screamed while jumping on jimin's lap. Jimin hissed in pain he held nabi to stop her. Jungkook came forward and carried nabi.

"Jimin-ah I'm sorry, I'm really sorry" taehyung cried while hugging jimin tightly. Jungkook looked both of them who are hugging each other like their life depend on them.

"Tae it's okay. Calm down" jimin said holding taehyungs face in his smol weak hands. Taehyung shook his head held jimin's hand. He cried looking at the wires being connected.

"I love you" taehyung said kissing jimins hand. "I really do jimin. Please don't hate me" he is shaking while talking. Jungkook looked at this scene he felt something in his heart. He wanted to stop them but still stood there with uncomfortable position holding nabi.

"Tae I can never hate you

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"Tae I can never hate you. You know that right" jimin said caressing taehyungs cheeks. Smaller lean down and kiss taehyungs cheeks. It's their friendship thing when ever they fight they kiss there cheeks to patch up. Taehyung cried while having loud hiccups. He pulled jimin closer kissed him all over his face. "I love you" he repeated that again and again while kissing.

Jungkook watched the scene holding his hands tight. Nabi is glaring at both of them. She turned to look at her dada and pointed her fingers to the besties duo jealous. She looked as if she is angry at them for not looking at her and she felt bad for not getting kiss.

"Same nabi.... same" Jungkook told her feeling her pain. He is looking at how jimin is kissing him and giggling. Those perfect plump lips ending in taehyungs cheeks.

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