Chapter 23: Lets play.

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Next day

It was the third time of the day that Jungkook's face was near the toilet as he struggled to vomit his gut. The aftermath of the previous night's alcohol-fueled party was hitting him hard, and he couldn't help but purge everything out. Jimin, holding the Nabi in his hands, watched Jungkook with concern, his brow furrowed in worry. The baby, oblivious to the situation at hand, looked at them both with confusion in its innocent eyes.

Jungkook's body heaved with each retch, sweat beading on his forehead as he knelt in front of the toilet. The stench of alcohol and bile filled the small bathroom, making Jimin's eyes water as he tried to soothe the baby in his arms. Despite the chaos unfolding before them, there was a sense of camaraderie between the two friends, a silent understanding that they would always be there for each other no matter what.

An: eww I hate how I gave vomit description so easily.

As Jungkook finally finished throwing up, he sat back on his heels, feeling weak and ashamed. He washed his face and rinsed his mouth with his shaking hands.

Jimin handed him a glass of water and rubbed his back in a gesture of comfort. The baby, sensing the tension in the room, reached out a chubby hand towards Jungkook, offering a small smile that warmed his heart. In that moment, surrounded by the aftermath of a wild night and the unconditional love of his daughter, Jungkook knew that he was lucky to have such a supportive and caring family by his side.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Jimin's voice was soft, laced with concern. He gently patted the back of the baby she looks so confused.

"Yuu" nabi imitated Jungkook vomit actions cutely. Jimin giggled but Jungkook can only feel his stomach churning when he remembers vomit.

Jungkook, hunched over, let out a muffled groan. "I feel like I'm gonna explode," he managed to rasp out, his voice raw and hoarse. "I think I drank the entire bar last night."

Jimin sighed, shaking his head. "I told you to slow down, you know. Taehyung always over do it." Jungkook carefully placed the baby on the changing mat, his brow furrowed with worry. "Did you eat anything this morning?"

Jungkook made an attempt to laugh, but it only came out as a pained cough. "Not really. Just a couple of those greasy diner pancakes."

Jimin chuckled wryly. "Those were the worst decision you made last night, hyung. Maybe next time you'll actually listen to me."

Jungkook straightened up, his face pale. "I'll try," he mumbled, swishing some mouthwash around his mouth. "I'll definitely try. But can you blame me? It was a party."

The babygirl cooed, reaching out a chubby hand towards Jungkook. "Seems like someone else is blaming you for this morning's performance." Jimin said, picking up the baby and holding her close. "You'll be good soon, right?"

Jungkook looked over at his son, a weak smile spreading across his face. "Yeah, I'll be okay. Just gotta get this out of my system." He leaned down, and gently kissed the top of the baby's head. "Sorry, nabi. I'll make it up to you."

Jimin chuckled, "I'm sure she'll forgive you. Just try to stay hydrated, yeah?" He glanced at Jungkook, raising an eyebrow. "And promise me you'll take it easier next time."Jungkook smiled at how good jimin and how well he takes care of them.

Time skip

Jungkook hold nabi closer rose scent on her is making him calm down. He can't directly ask jimin of it. it's  inappropriate hence he is using nabi "Ugh, I don't feel good." He walked in the room carrying her with scrunched back like a grandpa.

Nabi (in baby talk): "Dada sick! Nabi make fun!" Nabi giggles and makes a silly face. She is not leaving him alone today she is teasing him.

Jimin enters the room with a bowl of porridge "Here, I made some porridge for you. It'll make you feel better." Nabi sees the porridge and reaches for it "abi want! porrywidge!" She said cutely puckering her lips out. She pronounced her name wrong so effectively nobody want to correct that.

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