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(After you enter the tunnel)
(You sees an army of crocodiles sleeping infront of the door)
(Zhen hush you,you,po and zhen start sneaking to the other side without any one of the crocodiles hear you)(after you all pass)
(Po is almost sneezing)(po put her hands on his nose)(the sneeze stop but a small sneeze escape from his nose after that)
(The crocodiles army all of them wake up and start you three)
Zhen:run!(you start running, you enter every traps chameleon made and you all screaming until you fall into the dungeon)
(You and po fall on you a cage and you two get trap)(zhen runs at you two)
Po:zhen stay back(po start bunching the cage but nothing happen)
(Po give the wisdom stick to zhen)
Po:do as I thought you
(Zhenctake the stick and stand back)
(The chameleon appear you gasped po calming you down)
The chameleon:good job zhen!you are right about that panda he is an easy target and ofc!his lovely one too!
(The chameleon get near you)(po put his arm around you to protect you)
The chameleon:this stick will help me to open the spiritual door THXzhen you did a good job
Po:no you won't do it
(Po start bunching ground until the ground break you and po fall into another dungeon full of crocodiles army)(you two start bunching them)(zhen watching from up,with horror)
The chameleon:don't look to those pathetic animals let's begin our ceremony
(The chameleon starts to open the gate every villain start to appear first of them is Tai lung)
The chameleon:oh I am a big fan
Tai lung:finally I return back where is this stinky panda
The chameleon:I admire your kung fu moves (tai lung cross his arms)so I will take it
Tai lung:(laugh vaillain)make me(he start fighting)
(The chameleon bet out her tongue and take his moves tai lung fall on the ground bec he is weak now)
Tai lung:what did you do to me?
The chameleon:simple!take what is mine
(She put tai lung in the cage and every vaillain get out she takes their power and put it in the cage)(zhen watching faraway)
Zhen:oh no!
(Return to you and po)(after the fighting you two get out)
(Po look at you to check on you)
Po:are you ok?
(You start to get panic,po notice)
Po:oh no not now!
Y/n:that's a vision not a dream (you put your hands on your head and start huffing)
(Po kneels infront of you)
Po:y/n y/n look at me(you didn't look)babe if you hear me follow my breath
(He starts inhale and exhale,and you too follow him)
Po:everything will be fine(you relax)
Po:look y/n I have decision but I know you won't like it I will go alone to the chameleon
(You heard in surprise)
Po:sorry babe but I don't wanna see you hurt you will stay here it's safe and I will go okay
Y/n:you promise to me not to leave me
Po:sorry babe(he hugs you and kiss your forehead)I will return
Y/n:no you promised I won't let you go alone two better than one
(He holds your hand)
Po:y/n please understand that I don't wanna see bad something happen to you you have a good skills in kung fu she will take your energy and if that happen I won't forgive myself sorry I had to go now (he left your hand)(he left)
Y/n:you promised!

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