Chapter 1

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I sat straight up in bed and turned to the set of drawers and removed the false bottom and removed the medallion. And there I sat for a few seconds, studying it. Someone then knocked on the door. Then my father called through the door," Anna ? Are you alright? Are you decent?" I quickly hid the medallion in my night gown and threw on a dressing gown.
" Yes, yes!" I responded.
He then said, "Still abed at this hour?" My maid opened the curtains and the windows. My father then said,"It's a beautiful day. I have a gift for you." The maid opened the top box and revealed a beautiful dress. It had a corset but I had been wearing corsets since I was sixteen so it had been seven years so my body was used to it by now. It was a dark teal dress that had a black lace corset, black lace accents and half fitted sleeves. It was exquisite. I loved at first sight.
"Oh, it's beautiful!" I said.
My father then said, "Isn't it?"
Then I had to ask, "May I inquire as to the occasion?"
"Does a father need an occasion to dote upon his daughter?" Was his answer. " Go on." He told my personal maids. Then he said, "Actually, I, um...I had hoped you might wear it for the ceremony today. Captain Norrington's promotional ceremony."
"I knew it!" I shrieked
"Commodore Norrington, as he's about to become! A fine gentleman, don't you think? He fancies you, you know. Anna?" My father said.
Just then a servant walked in. "Milord, you have a visitor." The servant said.
"Yes, Yes." My father said, "First let me see my other daughter." I had a bad feeling that this would be the first corset that Elizabeth would be wearing. I also believed that this would be the most unpleasant thing she had to do.

Elizabeth was moaning and groaning about wearing a corset as we walked down the hallway to go downstairs. Once we were down there "Oh, Elizabeth and Anna , you two look absolutely stunning." When my sister saw William Turner she blushed. "Will! It's so good to see you. I had a dream about you last night." I said. My father cut me off with a,"Yes, well, is that entirely proper for you to...?" I then cut him off with, "About the day we met, do you remember?" "How could I forget?" He answered. My father decided that this was a great time to say, "Now, we really must be going." He then handed us both parasols." There you are." He said. My sister and Will had a conversation but by this time I was just thinking about Norrington. We bid good day to Will and got in the carriage to go to Captain Norrington's promotional ceremony. We got there and found our seats next to the captain's family. I was best friends with Norrington's sister and we chatted for a few minutes before the ceremony began. Then the ceremony started.

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