Chapter 2: One Way To Escape

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Marcel received his automobile from our grandfather as a birthday gift. This fancy, pricey Ferrari is a shiny gold color and looks really elegant and cool. It's got a classic style and lots of fancy stuff inside. It's basically a symbol of being super wealthy and stylish. My brother proudly flaunted this gift in front of his friends and on social media - indeed, that was the main purpose of begging for the car. As you may have already guessed, Marcel didn't actually drive it anywhere, at least because he didn't really know how to.

But everything happens for the first time in life. And in just a few minutes, I load all my suitcases and bags into the trunk, while my dear brother sits behind the wheel, waiting for his doomsday. After finishing all the preparations for the trip, I sit next to him in the car and silently wait for a miracle, because only a miracle will be able to help Marcel reach the destination safe and sound.

"What was written in that letter?" I finally asked.

"How should I know? By the time I got home, everyone was already geared up for your eviction." Marcel's voice sounded as if threats were just another part of the morning routine.

"And you didn't even bother to ask? Is Harvard really so demanding that you have no time for family matters?"

"I make time for everything except studying."

I sighed sadly. We were completely different. Seriously, it's like he is from the other planet or something. Take yesterday, for example. While I was sitting at my desk, buried in textbooks and notes, trying to finish my homework, Marcel was out with his friends, probably doing who knows what. It's not that I don't like adventures or having fun, but I have priorities. I have to keep my grades up if I want to get into a good college. Marcel, on the other hand, couldn't care less about university. He's always been more interested in living in the moment, without worrying about the consequences.

And it's not just about education. Our whole approach to life is different. I'm the kind of person who plans everything meticulously, down to the last detail. Sometimes I envy his carefree attitude, but most of the time, I just wish he'd take things more seriously.

A notification on my phone diverted all my attention from unnecessary thoughts. I glanced at the screen - there was a message from Mom. She sent me a photo of the letter that was found this morning:

It's your turn to answer for past sins. We're watching your house. Time for payment is coming soon.

"Marcel, what does all this mean?"

"Didn't you remember how the Lombardis earned all their wealth?" he said casually.

"But that was generations ago! Our family is not guilty of anything now."

"As you can see, for some people, that's not a convincing argument."

In this case, impunity was only an illusion. You may think that everything slipped away unnoticed, but all accounts must be settled sooner or later, and you should be thankful if it happens without interest. It's just that these accounts can come due after many years and at the most unexpected moment.

Despite the bittersweet farewell, I carried with me the memories and experiences of Miami, knowing that they would always remain a cherished part of who I am. And as the miles stretched out before us on the open road, I looked forward to embracing the unknown adventures that awaited in the next destination.

Finally, we reached Timbercreek, being safe and sound. It was a miracle that Marcel managed to do it - we didn't get into any car accidents.


I hopped out of the car and looked around. The farm was huge! Fields spread out in front of me, full of green plants and golden crops. Animals were everywhere — cows munching on grass, sheep wandering around, and chickens pecking at the ground.

Well, the nature out here in the countryside is something else. It's a whole different world compared to the hustle and bustle of the city. Instead of skyscrapers and busy streets, you've got wide-open spaces and fields that seem to stretch on forever. One thing you notice right away is how peaceful it is. There's this quietness that you just don't get in the city. You can actually hear the birds singing and the wind rustling through the trees. It's pretty calming, to be honest.

Then there's the scenery. Everywhere you look, it's like a postcard picture. Rolling hills, meadows full of wildflowers, and maybe even a little stream trickling through the landscape. It's all so picturesque, really!

There were old barns and sheds scattered around, looking a bit worn but cozy

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There were old barns and sheds scattered around, looking a bit worn but cozy. I could hear animals making noises inside, like cows mooing and chickens clucking. Everything seemed so alive and bustling with activity.

"Marcel, I've been thinking... Um... I don't even know who we've come to see. I haven't been here in ages and I don't remember these relatives at all!" I said, feeling bewildered.

"It's okay, you'll meet them now," my brother said, giving me a suspicious smile and leading me towards the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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