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Returning back to class was way harder than leaving since the hallways were more crowded

I was searching back for my class until I bumped into someone

' Watch where you're going?!' she screamed at me

' If you were also paying attention, maybe this wouldn't happen?' you were just trying to be reasonable

' Just get lost? I'm not trying to be late ' she walked back over to her friends

Soobin caught up with me and surprisingly Beomgyu wasn't there

' You're lucky nobody caught you, and you're walking in the wrong direction ' he said as he turned me around

' Sometimes you have to let your intrusive thoughts take over ' you sighed while being proud of yourself

Taehyun ran up behind us and was exhausted just by telling through his breath

' Gyu just told me what happened and apparently Junghwa snitched on you!'

' What?!' both me and Soobin said in unison

' Can I get Choi Soobin, Choi Beomgyu and Jeong Minju come to my office?' you three heard from the speaker

At first you were worried but apparently Soobin looked excited

' Are you a psycho?' you asked him, concerned

' We're missing another maths test? But it's with one of the most hated substitute ever!' he exaggerated

' How about you just go to the office?' Taehyun said as he rushed to his class

The both of us walked to the office nervously and arrived inside while the principal didn't even meet eye contact

' Take a seat ' she said politely

Once she acts all nice, she'll punish later

' You guys have been incredible! I saw your recent maths test and I think Minju has helped a lot. It's probably because of Beomgyu that the scores have been low but keep it up!!' she said excitedly

Yeonjun was there too and he had sighed of relief but then he was told to leave

' Although that happened just yesterday, Jeong Minju. You hit Junghwa with a textbook? Those things are massive!' she has raised her voice

' And you two boys didn't do anything? Wait, where's Choi Beomgyu?' she had seemed confused

Beomgyu arrived inside with a bruised up fist and a small nosebleed

' Beomgyu—' I was worried just thinking about the fight he got in

' The reason she hit him was because he kept bullying and teasing me, so once I hit back suddenly I'm the only one in trouble ' he grabbed the tissue out of his nose

' I-I'll let you off for now. I'll go speak with Junghwa ' she hesitated

Me and Soobin left the room and met eye contact with Beomgyu

' Another fight? Seriously Gyu, just stop ' I started as I scoffed

' I didn't just fight him on my way here. I won the fight ' he said proudly

We both looked at him disgusted

' I don't know who you think we are, but we certainly aren't Yeonjun ' Soobin carried on right after the awkward silence

Without meeting eye contact, Beomgyu said ' Be thankful I saved us '

' Not from the maths test though, we still have that to deal with ' Soobin cried

' Just study for once, it might actually help ' you considered but he denied

' Hey I'm not dumb, I just don't like maths!' he said upsettingly

' How about the two of you shut up and walk?' Beomgyu rhetorically asked as he covered both our mouths with a sweet

Immediately you spat it out of your mouth

' Toxic waste?!' I shouted at him

He kept laughing at you until he realised you weren't going to let him away with it

Soobin left since he couldn't stand another detention

' I must've gave you the wrong sweet?' he tried to excuse himself but you dragged him back

' You have 5 seconds to run, 5, 4, 3, 2...1!' you laughed as he paced to the other side of the hallway while you were stood in the same position

' Hey! A teacher is coming ' he quickly ran back to you as he alerted you

You two ran to a well tight corner and he was right beside you to the point you could hear his breathing

You saw the little smirk on his face and wasn't prepared if he were to plan something, luckily he didn't

Once you escaped you snuck into the next lesson as you sneakily joined the crowd

Out of all people, Minhee bumped into you

' Minju, can you move so I can talk to Beomgyu?' she asked with her annoying puppy eyes

' No. I'm not your little toy to mess around with, I'm you elder sister. So show the respect ' you demanded with terror in your eyes

You interrupted her from speaking and stated ' Go tell our parents when you get home but I'm moving out in 6 months so deal with it!'

' Y-you're moving out so quick?' she said on the verge of crying

' Don't cry, now it looks like I'm the fault and you're innocent ' you turned away from her

She protested back and spoke ' I'm always forced to do these things I don't want to do. I have to date Beomgyu even though he isn't my type and I didn't snitch on you, but someone snuck up on us!'

' Well maybe we should fight back, and not listen to them '
She smiled back and you two left opposite ways to go class

Once school was over, you two went to plan

Once school was over, you two went to plan

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lonely boy | CHOI BEOMGYU ✓Where stories live. Discover now