'Part two."

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It was the start of a new year, meaning that there were going to be new students attending Backupsmore University.
One of those student was StanFord . F . pines, a truly gifted man when it came to science.
Stanford had already settled down into his dorm room, which he had been informed he would be sharing. Stanford never liked the idea of friends, he always thought they were just a distraction. Well, maybe not always, but since his late teens he made his mind up on this opinion and had stuck to it. In Stanford mind, he planned to not speak to anyone besides teachers to keep full attention on his work.
Fiddleford . H . McGucket had been driving to Backupsmore University to meet his new roommate. He had always been bad at keeping time, usually getting distracted by a near by coffee house or a new library in which he HAD to poke his nose into. However, he was faintly late today because he accidentally slept in.
When he reached the school, most people had already settled in making it an easy and quick travel up the lasting staircase.
He scattered through his pockets on an attempt to find his dorm key, which he
found after an ever-lasting 3 minutes.
Once the groaning door finally opened the first thing fiddleford saw was his new roommate.
Stanford Pines.
Stanford, who at this time was reading a book named "the mystery of beneath", stared at Fiddleford with an expression no man could decode.
" This is room.." Fiddleford began, trying to find where he had wrote his dorm number on his hand before being cut off by Stanford re- finding his lost spot in his book.
" 618?"
" Yup! So, 'yer me roomy?"  Fiddleford urged as he walked towards his side of the room which Stanford hadn't even stood near yet.
"Seems so," Stanford responded with little to no emotion in his voice while his eyes were still skimming down the pages in his book.
Fiddleford had only shrugged this off has a first impression as he began to unpack the two bags he had brought. He set his backpack on the ground and he rested his case of belonging on top of his bed.
" 'yer don't mind if I put some poster up, do ya?" fiddleford asked while grabbing two large pieces of paper, staring directly at Stanford who, in response, gave a small shrug.
Fiddleford took this action as a yes and began to place his 2 posters onto the wall. One had a Symbol of a band that Stanford hadn't heard of before and the other was a picture of a sea creature that looked almost distorted.
A few hours later, the sun had began to set and Stanford had finished reading around 3 books in this time. Fiddleford on the other hand had been doodling down ideas on new "gadgets 'nd gizmos" ,as he called them, which he did for fun.
" right, im going to go in the shower," Stanford said, making a line with his mouth towards fiddleford. To fiddleford this "line of a mouth" looked like a smile so, as he would normally do, he smiled back with a nod.
" oh! Be careful though, word spreads fast and apparently there are big ol' creepy crawlers," fiddleford mentioned.
" thanks for the warning," Stanford said before walking into the bathroom with a towel and a change of clothes. Stanford had a feeling these few years wouldn't be as planned.

Here's a part two, but in reality the first "chapter" was kinda just a base for the book. 😭
I usually write these a night because that's when I have time so if there is anything wrong with this please do not mind it!
Thanks for reading this so far!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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A "wrong" love story. (Stanford x fiddleford)Where stories live. Discover now