Glimpse of Vulnerability

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Taehyung skipped out of the college building, he smiled as he clutched his textbook tightly against his chest, Tae hummed a song as he patiently waited for Jungkook.

nowadays it was Jungkook who drops and picks him up from his house in his bike, Just the thought him sitting on Jungkook's bike, hugging him sent butterflies in Tae's tummy.

Tae's smile widened as a motorcycle stopped right in front of him. His heart raced in an abnormal speed thinking it was Jungkook! he slowly walked towards the bike.

Tae's smile faltered as he froze in his tracks, looking at the motorcycle properly. It wasnt Jungkook's bike...

The biker finally took off his helmet, revealing a face that Taehyung knew

It was Kris.

The one who bullied him on the first day of his college, The infamous Kris, known throughout the college as the biggest bully

Kris's lips curled into a smirk as he stared at taehyung and damn, his smirk looked ugly to taehyung unlike Jungkook's smirk.

"Hey look everyone! It's the little princess all by himself...your short friend didn't come to college today ?? Want me to drop you home baby ?"

Kris chuckled, his voice dripping with fake sweetness

Taehyung flinched. Kris was the last person he wanted to deal with, He didn't even try to give him a reply.

Tae just looked away, Kris smirked as he leaned towards taehyung slowly, his lusty eyes staring at taehyung's clothed chest

Tae stumbled back in fear and his text books fell down from his grasp, landing on the ground before Taehyung could take his books back

Kris bent down quickly, grabbing one of the books before standing up. His eyes landed on the bold title:

"The Biology and Medical Dynamics of Human Reproduction."

Kris let out a deep chuckle looking at taehyung, He took a slow step forward, closing the space between them, taehyung's heart hammered in fear

Kris leaned in even closer, his face was inches of Taehyung's face. Hot breath hitting on Taehyung's nose, making him feel even more uncomfortable.

"How about we study this topic in my house tonight?"

His breath smelled like cigarettes and weeds, that made his stomach churn in disgust and it made Taehyung gag.

Kris raised his hand to touch taehyung his long fingers brushing against Taehyung's chest.

Taehyung glared at kris feeling angry as he touched him inappropriately, he pushed Kris with all his strength, Kris stumbled backwards with a gasp, soon a smirk appeared on Kris's face

The parking lot was dead silent, Every single other student in the parking lot pretended they didnt see anything.

They were too scared to speak against Kris, they didn't dare to say a single world because of fear

Kris wrapped his hands around taehyung's waist, pulling him close. taehyung's eyes widened in terror.

tears welled up in his eyes, He fought back, pushing with all his might against Kris's grip, but it felt like trying to move a mountain.

Kris seemed twice Taehyung's size, his arms were too strong, squeezing the air out of Taehyung's lungs

Kris was slowly leaning towards him, his lips were almost touching taehyung's.

Taehyung was crying nonstop trying to push this bull by his chest.

Kris was about to kiss taehyung's lips,

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