Freedom & Justice (Venrina Part 2)

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This is part 2 of Visit From The Wind

This doesn't really make sense but pls still enjoy😀

Furina POV

Lets see.. the show is representing how justice and freedom are connected and that... wait, freedom? Why freedom? Maybe because Lord Barbatos is here... Do i have to act that part too? No.. probably not. They most likely already found an actor for that role already, if they didn't, they probably would've never done this show anyway. Hopefully there not making me do both roles..sigh..

I stand up from my seat, and read the script more. My mismatched blue coloured irises skim through the pages, until they spot some sort of.. song lyrics..?

Singing? You got to be kidding already struggling with the dance! How do they expect me to remember the lyrics and dance moves at the same time?! This is absolutely ridiculous..The song isn't even one im familiar with!

"Sigh..UGHH WHY IS THIS SO HARD!?!" I yelled as i threw the script on the floor.


Im positive that someone just heard that.. Could this day just get any worse?!

Maybe i should visit Barbatos today to relieve some of my stress..It sounds like a good idea right now.


"Good morning Lord Barbatos."

"Ah, Lady Furina! I was just thinking about you! How have you been?" The wind god asked as my face turns a bright red from his words.

"O-Oh, Im fine! But its been a bit stressful lately, so i came to you so you me? Since you're the God of Freedom, you know how to relieve stress..right?"

"S-Sure! I'll try my best to help."

"So, Lord Barbatos, how do you like it in Fontaine so far?"

Barbatos suggested we take a walk around Fontaine since he said that it helps him most of the time. It was also early in the morning, so their is not many people out here at the moment.

"Its really beautiful and fun! Its also very modern compared to Mondstadt!"

"Im glad you're enjoying it!"


We walk pass a wine seller and i realize that Barbatos was no longer walking with me.

"Lord Barbatos?"

I turn my head around and i see him.. Trying to get wine?
I run to him and the wine seller and poke his back to get his attention.

"Lord Barbatos what are you doing?"

"Can we get some wine Lady Furina?"


I look at the wine seller and they greet me but then i look back at Barbatos.

"Pleaseee Furina??"


He tackles me into a hug and my face turns red (again).

"Eh!?- Uh- Fine.."

"Thank you Lady Furina!!"



Wait what the heck am i thinking?! Stupid brain..

"I got it! We can continue our walk now!"

Barbatos likes wine.. that's new..

"Lady Furina?"

Maybe i should get him some more as a gift..

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