S1 Ch1: The Prophecy

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(I would like to add that my friend made me a new appearance and a new image of The Order of the Endstone. Go check out the bio anytime. Enjoy the story!)

3 Years Later...

3rd Person

The day was normal in the End. The Enderman walking, the Chorus Trees stood still, the End Ships floated in the sky, and the endless void twinkled with lots of lights.

The scene then shifted a bit when it moved downward, seeing an Endermite moving around sniffing as it looked for food.

As a Chorus Fruit landed next to him, the Endermite went to get it.

However, a foot crushed it, killing it in the process as this figure was seen running.


The figure was then seen climbing up mountains and he then jumped down.


He then pulled out a shield, using it as a board to slide down.

On the way down, we saw 3 Enderman talking to each other but they noticed the figure about to crash into them.

+ R1

He then jumped up and then teleported over them saying while landing and putting away his shield, "Sorry, guys!"

As 2 of them chuckled and one glared in annoyance, the figure chuckled as he exclaimed while jumping off an island, "HELLOOOO END ISLANDS!!! HAHA!"

+ R2 + R1

He then used his fishing rod to wrap the end onto a tree, using it to swing across another island as he dashed onto the island and continued running, which revealed to be Endy!

He then used his fishing rod to wrap the end onto a tree, using it to swing across another island as he dashed onto the island and continued running, which revealed to be Endy!

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Ever since his memory loss, Zera has been training him to master his teleportation, considering he never had eaten a Chorus Fruit.

However one particular Enderman of the Council of Elders, which the Elders were a type of top-class Enderman, saw some potential from this hybrid and announced that he may be like them, but Endy was one of them and they will treat him like them.

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