Chapter Three

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Ty was leading the group down the hall, all of us taking care not to slip in the pools of blood, nor trip over severed limbs or bodies that lay in the hall unmoving. It looked like a massacre, I was trying so hard to hold down my breakfast, but it kept inching upwards. I wasnt the only one who looked sick, Lance kept making retching noises. We passed several open classrooms that were empty, some had the doors shut with handprint smears.

Trying to distract myself from the carnage below our feet, I was formulating reasons why we should go to the rec center, which seems like a better plan to me, but then my thoughts at once went to my little brother. He was homesick today, my mom said something about him having food poisoning—food poisoning. I thought. chicken nuggets had been contaminated.

Suddenly the thought my brother could be sick from the chicken nuggets from his school, and that worried me the most. I found the coincidence eerie, and as is, I am spooked by this whole thing. My brother could be in danger, or worse, he could have the virus, I tried to convince myself that my brother didnt have that sickness. But I couldnt ignore what my mom had diagnosed him with last night when he was vomiting all night, he was greyish, one of his eyes was bloodshot.

At the thought of my brother turning like the professor, I nearly slipped on some of the blood that was under my feet, if it wasnt for my quick save from face planting in someone elses blood, I nearly had a heart attack at the thought of being covered in blood.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Dimitri raising a curious eyebrow.

I considered explaining that I wasnt paying attention to my surroundings because I was worried about my brother might be infected by this disease, but I thought better. We were in a dangerous situation, talking to each other was out of the question. Besides, we dont know what to expect, how to handle the infected, what do we do? Its not like we can use Lances shoelaces to bind an infected every time.

Bri! Ty had loudly whispered my name as he yanked me backwards, causing me to stumble back before we rounded the corner to the lobby—I registered groans and grunts close to us. Thank God the infected didnt see or hear us. A slow burn made its way up my cheeks.

Sorry, I wasnt paying attention. I whispered.

Obviously, Dimitri whispered with a slight irritation. If you cant get it together you are going to get us all killed.

I said I was sorry.

Sorry isnt going to fix a severed limb or worse one of us ending up dead. Dimitri hissed.

I could hear Lance snorting at our argument behind me.

Enough! Ty hissed at the two of us. Lets figure out how to get past those eight without bringing attention to ourselves. Any suggestions? No idea is a stupid one at this point.

My throat seemed to constrict. Oh, Im sure Mr. MacGyver here could give us a good suggestion . . .

I dont have enough shoelaces for that kind of proposal, as is, Im wearing a dead kids shoes, its freaking me out. Lance glared at Dimitri.

Without meaning to, I looked sideways at Dimitri. He was tapping his index finger on his lips, studying me with a conspiring look in his eyes. The edges of his lips twitched upwards and mouthed, I might have a plan.

I put my arms over my chest and cocked my hip, hoping I looked more composed than I felt. Alright, whats your plan? I whispered.

Well, it might not be appropriate.

Whats that supposed to mean?

Ty gave him a look that a parent gives a child to hurry up with making their decision at a fast-food menu. We are waiting, Dimitri.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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