True Evil

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    The members of the JSA sat on a few destroyed buildings and rubble as the allied soldiers were also resting as much as they possibly could. A few of the members stayed silent, mourning the loss of their friend and fellow JSA founder, Hourman. Green Lantern was walking around to see a few soldiers on stretchers, a few praying with Spectre looking over them before passing on, and a last few just checking the weapons. Making sure their fight was well prepared for against the Nazi powers.

    A green flame appeared before Lantern as he reached in with his right hand, the flame died down and revealing a green railroad lantern. Green Lantern took in a deep breath before placing his left arm to the center of the lantern and closed his eyes. Trying to focus on the fight ahead rather than the loss of his friend; "And I shall shed my light over the Dark Evil," he started to speak as a green flame came forth from the nozzle of the lantern, "For the Dark things cannot stand the Light... the Light of the Green Lantern," he finished speaking as the green glow died down from the lantern. Green Lantern let the lantern go as it was consumed in green flame before it disappeared. He looked around for a moment before seeing Flash looking down, the Emerald Knight would go and sit with his friend as a silence fell upon them.

    It wasn't until a few moments later where Flash was the one who broke the silence. "Alan... we all knew the risks of what would happen if we went to fight in the war, right?" he asked as he looked at Lantern.

    "Deep down, we all knew," he responded. "But, I don't think any one of us would even think that we would loose a friend."

    "We'll have to tell his wife and son."

    Green Lantern would nod at Flash before placing his hand on Flash's shoulder. "Jay, we still have our duty to the American people," he started. "To Al, to Wesley, and for Rex, we have the duty to protect the rights and freedoms of all nations. Against this enemy that threatens our very way of life."

    "The never ending battle for Truth, Justice, and The American way," Flash said as the two would solemnly smile before a shadow flew over them. The two looked up and saw the Spectre going deeper into Germany. "What's Spectre doing?"

    Green Lantern looked at Flash before getting up and got the attention of the JSA. "Let's go and find out," he said and then the team followed Spectre to his destination.


    Spectre continued to go towards the main location where rivers of blood and spirits crying out for agony beconed him. Every ounce of his supernatural being was forced to find the well of suffering, pain, and death within the lands of Germany. He knew that his colleges were following him, but he didn't care nor did he mind. Considering this country was almost able to get Phantom Stranger willing to kill humans, there was no telling what Spectre would do then.

    A few hours passed and then, they all saw it. Stone walls with barbed wire at the top, while in the gaps, fence covered the places where stone walls did not cover. Spectre narrowed his eyes as he then lowered himself to the ground and Flash looked at the supernatural hero. "This is were I felt the suffering of millions, but this is not as strong as the other locations I felt."

    "Is anyone else getting an uneasy feeling about this?" Canary asked.

    Hawkman looked at Diana and placed his mace on his shoulder. "Did you see anything like this on your recon mission?"

    "I only saw the buildings which fits Steve's description of a prison camp. I never flew to far down."

    "A wise precaution, German Nazi soldiers do have radar devices to detect a few planes as well," Fate stated before looking at Spectre.

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