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There is a legend, that in a park called Gateway, there are nine statues made out of gold. No one is allowed to steal them, because if that is their intention, they will be turned to stone. But it's completely safe for those that wish to have a photograph with them. In fact, the main statue, the statue that is in front of the rest, is the only one who doesn't have a partner to hold hands with.

People can take pictures with the statue, holding his hand. Legend says that he was a Prince of an ancient and powerful kingdom. He and the rest of the statues were in war, when the Villain they were fighting cursed them in an attempt to stop them.

But in doing so, he made himself lose his physical form, and now he lives in the dark, waiting until the statues come back to life. The only way to free the Prince and the rest of the statues is if his soulmate holds his hand. She'll free him and the others, but the war that was fought a thousand years ago, will continue.

"Y/n, come on!" My younger brother groaned and I grumbled under my breath.

"Why can't we just stay here? Plus, that parks always full of people, and it's disgusting."

"Y/n, you're coming whether you like it or not." Mom placed her hands on her hips and she stared me down. I stared back, but when Dad spoke up, I looked away with a scoff.

"Hurry up. Let's go, and no arguing."

I grabbed my backpack with my sketchbook and journal, with a huff.

"Lets just go. And there's golden statues-don't you want to take a picture with them? Who knows, you might be the Prince's Girlfriend." My cousin teased.

She got permission from her parents to come and join us.

"You know full well I hate pictures." I gave her a side glare, and she sheepishly smiled.

"Yeah, forgot."

"And that's just a myth. There's no way someone could turn into a golden statue. If there was really magic in this world, I would've noticed."


Okay, there was that, and that....and all that.

"What is it? You know something." C/n narrowed her eyes at me suspiciously.

I shook my head. "Nothing. Lets just go."

We went into the truck, all crammed in, and Dad drove through the city towards the park.

It was an hour drive, and I was looking up the statues. Nine in total, 5 boys, and 4 girls. Each boy was holding a girl's hand, but the Prince. The statues were in a line, with the prince a few feet in front of them.

Turns out, the statues were there for a long time, and no one could move them. So, they just built a garden around it, cherry blossoms surrounding the clearing.

And that was before machines were made, like excavators and cranes. So, now, no one can re-locate the statues, since this is a really important place.

Legend also says that the park is where the battle was fought, and the golden statues help the land thrive, so that's why plants are always in full bloom there, even in the winter.

Thorough out the entire car ride, C/n wouldn't shut up. She'd sing along to songs on the radio, make jokes, and when she would laugh uncontrollable, she would hit me over and over again until I smacked her back.


When people see both me and her together, they assume we're twins.

She's two years younger than me, but we both have the same body shape, hair color, skin color, and eye color. She's just a few inches shorter, but a lot louder.

Out of both of us, she's the extrovert, while I'm the introvert.

I'm the one that's more mature, telling C/n to respect others more, telling her to calm down and not be to loud, etc., etc.

C/n is really fun, and she jokes around all the time, but sometimes she just end up being rude, and I nearly have to slap her for it.

Anyways, C/n would tell me of what she'd do if she woke up golden boy.

"I bet he's so HANDSOME! And we'll get married immediately."

"....C/n, you're 14."

"Fine, we'll be engaged! I mean, he IS my Soulmate!"

I scoffed. "Hm. If you say so."

"Oooh, I wonder, if he wakes up, will I become Queen?! And what Kingdom?"

"His Kingdom is probably long gone. Even if it wasn't, Royalty doesn't have power here anymore. They're just rich, and the media is stalking them 24/7. Being famous must suck, with all the attention and rumors. One Prince hugs some random guy no one has seen before 'OH MY GOD HE'S GAY!' 'That's my COUSIN'. Princess talking to a citizen, 'SECRET ROMANCE? IS SHE CHEATING ON HER FIANCE?!' 'His dad used to WORK with us! For the love of Christ, he was like my brother when we were kids!' SEE?! Rumors, all so stupid." I crossed my arms.

C/n stared at me. Then she started to laugh. "Sure. Ah, and about his looks, how does he look like?"

"I've seen pictures. They're faceless. It's creepy, but they do have their hair. And their clothes are weird. Like robes, but they have armor and stuff on them. They remind me of Pajamas. Who would wear Pajamas to a fight?"

"Maybe it was a pillow fight?" C/n suggested, and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, they totally had a pillow fight, and after a thousand years of being cursed to be a golden statue, the pillow fight will resume."

Then I paused.

"Wait, but it said the battle will continue. It was an entire war. If they wake up, it'll be another war, and more people will die. And if you are his soulmate, what'll happen to you? Were you just sent to wake him up, or will you help in the war?"

C/ n was silent for a long while.

"You're too serious! And I won't be his soulmate! Now, I don't want him to wake up cause we'll all die, and I'm too young to die! Geeze, you took the fun out of it."

"I'm just being realistic."

"No, you're crushing my dreams on finding my Soulmate." She shook my arm, and I groaned.


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