Chapter 16~ Go see the Hero

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Song: Work Song By Hozier

Normal POV

"Are you still on the fence about Rogers' chances?" Natalia says. "Time to go, Councilwoman. This way, come on. You're gonna fly me out of here."Pierce starts to leave with Natasha. "You know, there was a time I would have taken a bullet for you." Nick says. "You already did. You will again when it's useful." Pierce looks over to Nick, just then Natasha activates a small disc that emits an electric shock through her whole body and disables the pin. Gives Nick time to collect a weapon near, "You know, I have someone who's urging to have you once again." Alexander informed me. "Actually, there's 3 of us." He added as Nick looked over at my way. Without flinching, Nick finally takes the chance to shoot Pierce, which he does so twice. As Alexander fell back into the glass screen, I felt irritated. "Once again, you stole my chance to have some fun." I comment as Nick walks over to Natasha who is lying unconscious on the floor. "Romanoff! Natasha! Natasha, come on!" Nick whisper-yells to her state. Natalia opens her eyes "Ow. Those really do sting." I chuckled at her. "I wasn't lying, huh?" I said as Nick and I helped her up. "You, stop flirting. Go help, Rogers." Nick yells at me and hands me an in-ear comms. "See you in a minute." I winked at Natalia.

"Hill? Status on Rogers, please." I travel through the air looking at the destruction. "You're asking the wrong person." She replies. "What? Then who should I ask?" I'm thrown off. "You. His last update was when he placed the chip in the helicarrier. He was in the helicarrier when it was targeted." Hill explains the idiot behavior of the American hero. "Of course. I'll look for him." I let a deep sigh out as I flew around. A few minutes go by, I see James dive into a lake. "Comms are coming off." I announced. Before disagreements were distributed, I took them out and landed in the lake, trying not to startle James. I gazed at James swam Steve out of the lake, who's out cold. As he drags the burnt-out body to the lakeside, I cautiously run after the old pair. "James?" I yelled out his name, hoping to reunite with my James. The person who I depended on for years, and who saved me. I see him letting go of Steve's shoulder, and looks over his shoulder. My stomach drops as he turns my way, "Reva?" His shivering voice burns me. "You remember?" I questioned as I slowly walked closer. But as expected he became cautious, "James, I need you to get out of the radar before the Americans get you." I made sure he understood me. "Here's my burner and go to this location. Stay in there until I get there." I supplied him with one of my bunkers, far off the radar. James just stood there, "I got him. That burner has my number, now go." Trying to comfort him in a way. "спасибо, Дабрия./ Thank you, Dabria." Hearing that nickname brought me a bit of joy but quickly was replaced with guilt.

Third Person POV

What's left of SHIELD, rushed their hero to a hospital. Once the helicopter landed on the roof of the hospital, Reva lifted him up into a one-person lift and carried his unconscious ass to a stretcher. Reva's behavior concerned everyone, frozen, standing near the door of the waiting room. Their cold and distant state amazed the others since Steve and Reva relationship only has been pins and needles. But for Reva, Steve wasn't their main thought. It was a disturbance of their files being public. A wave of guilt hit Reva as they were recalling details of today's mission. Reva's consciousness was focused on their surroundings as their mind spiraled. Recognizing footsteps from the other side of the door closeted Reva's guilt and regained awareness. The others were in little groups as the door opened. The attention immediately shifted to Dr.Fine as Reva walked to the back of the room. Everyone began to plan out as Reva finally sat down, letting the others figure themselves out. "Reva?" Someone called out but Reva was too out of it to register. Out of the blue, Reva stands up and walks out like when they were possessed. Reva made the effort to walk through the halls as they felt like the halls were narrowing. This behavior gave Natalia an uneasy feeling, deciding to secretly follow Reva.

Natalia POV

Once everyone began to plan themselves out, I held back with Reva at the back of the waiting room. Where they sat with this faint stare, I needed to check in with them. This state of mind always brings me chills, "Reva?" I questioned them, respectfully avoiding any physical touch. I can feel the A/C flow traveling through us while I wait for any response. As Reva stood up, I could see this dark cloud hovering around their body. I might regret my actions but I need to see what's happening to them. When Reva stopped their tracks, I felt the temperature drop once again, causing goosebumps on the back of my neck. "Natalia, you should know to never follow me. Not in this state. It's too dangerous for a mortal." Reva's voice became echoed and static. My mind began to fog up. "Romanova. Go see the hero." Their command was the last thing my mind registered.

Normal POV

Once Natalia left, I had the opportunity to meet with my own mind. The voice of my mother echoed throughout my mind as I visualized my family. "My Hecate. Expect your mind to shift. The Scarlet Witch is almost ready, protect her and her brother. Be prepared for the worst and protect your own mind. Your daughters will be around, they'll be ready for any disaster or harm. Don't forget who you are." My mother's presence formed into my mind as I sensed a lot of destruction and anger. "Yes, mother." The amount of grief that I suddenly felt is so intense that it feels as if I was burned alive once again. Her rebirth will brighten her strength and legacy. "Patience, my dear, soon you'll have the revenge you seek. Those mortals deserve a wonderful revenge. Bring them back to hell." My mother's voice became distant. "We'll be one once again." I hear my children's voices. Destruction will come soon.

My body's temperature rises up as I continue my meditation. The feeling of my blood pumping through my body grounds me back into my current reality. Of course my consciousness found itself into a storage closet. Before I could even get to the door, I felt an adrenaline rush followed by a wave of encouragement. "Nice to reunite with my full senses. Don't be too chaotic this time around." I chuckled as I reunited with the missing pieces of my own power that I distributed into my daughters.



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