Chapter 31: Freesol inside My Heart

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Song Credits: Seven Lions - Freesol (feat. Skyler Stonestreet)

Italic - Importance/Text //// Bold - Emphasis/Phone Call //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory

Skyelle and Sama meets her friend's cousin, who isn't too pleased to see the all familiar witch. 

Skyelle isn't happy with this knowledge. However she still loved her witch.


She then grins with her fangs. "You're such a good human. My human..." Oh God. That shouldn't have turned me on so much.

I manage out, "Yes, I'm all yours." Her red eyes glow as we kiss again. "Mmm, you taste divine dear." My legs spasm as I finish. Letting out streams of curses, she says dangerously.

"Ah-ah, watch that filthy mouth of yours, or I'll make you-" My heart accelerates from that. My eyes are on hers. Her grin makes me let out a 'fuck'.

Her nail enters again, and I lurch towards her. Giving all my instincts away, letting this woman ruin me. By goodness was I tired afterwards.


I jolt awake. Another nightmare came for me. Reaching blindly for Sama, she opens her eyes. They glow in the dark. "Oh Butterfly, c'mere hon." She was always so comforting towards me.

Her humming calms me down. The morning light filters in, and she speaks gently to me. "Are you alright now love?" I nod meekly. "I-I thought that they stopped coming..." Kintoru's eyes look soft.

"Then I'll have to keep you close then. No-one will hurt you my darling Butterfly. Not again." I just wanted her to keep me safe from the world.

"私の愛、私はあなたを愛しています." My eyes look up at her. I whisper, head tilted. "What?" Her red lips smile at me. "My love, I love you." She runs a claw carefully down my back. Then claims my mouth on hers.

I whimper as she splits from me. "Good girl. I'll go make you breakfast, okay?" Watching her leave made my heart ache for her touch. But I had to shower. And get dressed in proper clothes.


My car stops in front of my friend's house. Sama sat by me in the passenger seat. He gets in. "Heyyy bestie, ready to go hang out?" He answers.

"Yep. Hey, my cousin wanted to join, is that fine?" I smile. "Sure. The more, the merrier." Toru is in her thoughts when we arrived. Now she looked almost terrified.

Wanting to ask whatever the matter was, the door behind me opens. I see an adult with brown hair in a bun sit by my friend. I nod to her. 

She speaks. "Hi, I'm Juno. I really had nothing to do today, so I wanted to tag along." Her eyes trail to my girlfriend's side. I wasn't expecting another person to freak out.

"Is that who I think it is?" Sama's eyes darted away. I swallow, carefully asking. "You too? What beef was it this time?" Her abrupt answer makes me want to halt the car.

"She kidnapped me." My glare is unseen, but Kintoru flinches away from my eyes. She really didn't, did she? 

We stop at the mall, and get out. Walking away from her, her red lips frown. I wanted to feel bad, but I of course was mad at her. She never said besides almost killing someone, that she'd kidnap someone too.

 Eventually I make my way sideways to her. Watching through the corner of my eye, I see her nails clench on her hands. It looks painful.

Her whispers aren't unheard as we walk through the mall, the guests going off somewhere. 

Something about, 'I should've never came here.' Or, 'My creator was right about me...' Her face made me break inside. I touch her arm, she flinches.

"W-what?" Carefully I hold her face, and she breaks down. Stopping inside the ladies room, I ask gently. "Why didn't you tell me?" Her eyes look broken.

"I'm a horrible beast. I kidnapped his cousin, placing her inside my trials. The Fleshbags, Hanzu, Kazeko, and Futaomote were all she faced there. It- look, I had to. See? I'm not the best..." My blue eyes were sad.

Sighing, "Look Sama. I know that your creator told you to do those things, but at least you're attempting to change, right? Loving me was the first step in redemption for you."

Her nails carefully connect with my tiny hand. Watching through teary eyes, she sobs. I held her hand the entire time she cried.


I drop them off at Yasu's house. "Bye guys. See you later." They wave, closing their doors. I drive again, sighing and look over at her.

"-Sama?" Her red eyes shut. My heart clenched again. Then I speak up. "You can't ignore me forever. We're dating remember?" Still quiet. 

I stop the car, and reach out for her. She takes my hand, rubbing it some. My breathes are ragged from crying. "P-please Toru, talk to me." I sigh sadly, getting out of the car. 

All I wanted right now was to clear my head.  

I hear a horn, and stop midtrack. I and walked out into traffic. My eyes shut close. I was frozen in fear. I hear screaming. Sama's.

"Butterfly! No!" It happened so fast. My eyes open slightly. I see a crying Kintoru hugging my body close. Her leg was bleeding black. She got hurt, because of me.

I sob. "Samaaa! I'm sorry. I'm so stupid, you got hurt because of me..." Her gasp is heard. I manage to catch the woman in my arms.

Carefully I open her door. Placing a hurt Sama down. I whisper. "H-hold on. I'll help you." Her red eyes connect with mine. It was sadness. "Butterfly? Thank Jigoku you're fine. But not me." She chuckles, wincing in pain.

Soon we arrive home. It was pretty bad when I took it in. Opening the front door, I help her limp to the couch. Her claws reach out to me. I hold them, kissing her hands. Tears still flowing out, I get my med kit out.

"I might have to stitch it love. Please be strong for me." She nods, tears from her eyes in pain. Holding my hand, I use my sewing needle to fix her leg.

Done. I put everything away, coming back to a tired Kintoru. Her arms take me in them, and I started crying. "Shh, Butterfly, you aren't responsible for my injury. I shouldn't have ignored you."

My tear stained cheeks are red. Her leg was fine now, but had some blood stuck near the hurt part. I ask quietly, "Can you heal fast?" She nods. I feel slightly better now.

Her elegant voice speaks after a bit. "Butterfly, you aren't mad anymore?" Shaking my head. "I understand that was the old you now. You're better than before."

Sama hugs me, letting me unravel. "Besides, I can't hate you. You were the only one there for me, so I'll be there for you too..."

She whispers to me. "Thank you. For everything Butterfly." 

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