Two Sides to Every Story

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Welcome back! I hope you are well and that you enjoy this update!

Two Sides to Every Story

"He didn't tell you? He said nothing?" Minerva half whispered, her breath stolen by incredulity.

Breaking the silence had seemingly bought Severus back to himself and he very quickly stood upright again. Seeming to realise that they were both far beyond the awkwardness of the encounter, neither commented on it.


Unease crept up through Minerva's core. She looked at the haggard, shell of a man in front of her. His lined face, sunken cheeks, mouth set in a permanent, expressionless line. But for the first time in months there was a light back in his eyes. The sheer relief of a burden laid down.

"I'm sorry Severus. I am so, so sorry"

"He clearly thought it was best" he answered plainly, straightening up. The blank countenance that was his usual returned.

"Perhaps. But that doesn't make it right"

Silence, made deafening by the snow that blanketed around them, again filled the air. They took each other in for a moment. God, how they had changed. The silence seemed to call the years to swirl around them. What had been and what was rose and fell from their minds. And what was left were two people who no longer knew each standing eye to eye. Two strangers trying to read guarded gazes that held hostage souls desperate to be understood.

"We better go back. People will talk".

"I agree"

She came up beside his as they walked back to the entrance hall in silence. When they reached the door Minerva handed him back his robes with a quiet thank you and walked in first. The warmth of a full room washed over her face and she felt the heat rise to her cheeks. She walked slowly back to the teacher's table and sat down heavily.

"What on Earth was that all about?" Poppy quizzed, handing her friend a glass of water she sensed she needed.

"Oh, uh, ex-exam markings. He wanted know who would take my share when I'm off. Nothing special."

Poppy saw straight through the lie, but knew that if Minerva wanted to tell her she would. At the other side of the room Louise was also watching carefully as her aunt reentered the room. And even more carefully as the headmaster came in minutes after.

"What do you reckon that's all about?" Catherine asked, also staring at him as he walked back to his place at the head of the room.

"I don't know Kit. I honestly don't know."

The next morning Minerva sat in front of her dressing table mirror, her chin resting on her hands. She sighed heavily, staring into her own eyes as she replayed the previous nights conversation over and over. Why the hell had he not been told? What benefit could Albus possibly have see in in that agony? But it certainly explained his over avoidance of her as of late. Her questions were abruptly interrupted by knocking on her door.

"Come in Lou!" she called. It was an entrance she had been expecting. They left for the highlands on the 11 o'clock train. Louise emerged from behind the door, looking rather worse for wear.

"Merlin, what happened to you?" Minerva chuckled as she put the last pin in her hair.

"All I will say is that the room of requirement has fantastic firewhisky"

Minerva tutted as she got up to put the last few things in her bag.

"The Carrows would have had your head if you'd been caught Lou. You've got to be careful."

"I would rather swallow hot coals thank you very much" her niece replied, setting her bag down. "They have taken far too much from me already. Anything I can do to take something back is worth every consequence"

Minerva shot her a disapproving look, but would not deny that the comment had struck a nerve. She often found herself so wrapped up in her own troubles that she forgot to think of what toll the ongoing war was taking on those around her. Especially Louise and the other students. She'd seen it once before. And it chipped away at her soul bit by bit to see it happen again.

"What was your snowy escapade with the snake all about?" the girl asked, plopping herself heavily down on Minerva's bed.

"Oh nothing really. He wanted to know who would take up my marking duties while I'm away after the baby's born".

"Bit of an odd thing to pull you out of a dance for?" she replied skeptically

"He could have asked you, well any time since September"

"The the thought must just only have occurred to him. He's had other things to deal with"

"Ah yes, Voldemort's bidding must be terribly exhausting"

Although she was not afraid of it and used it herself, hearing Voldemort's name said openly, without fear, still made Minerva jump a little. But Louise had been raised in a house who had fought him before and won. And with Thomas in the thick of it again there was no tip toeing around Lord Voldemort in the midst of the McGonagalls. Louise had known him as Voldemort since she was old enough to know who he was and she was most certainly not going to be frightened into dropping that blatancy. But the thing that had irked her most was the accusations against Severus. She had her quarrels with him, his past. But she had been thoroughly convinced that it was truly behind him. She knew what he had sacrificed. And she was finding it increasingly difficult to bite her tongue.

"Are you ready?" she said instead, changing the subject with a sigh.

"I suppose" Louise groaned, hauling herself back up.

"Right then." Minerva said, grabbing her own bag and trying desperately to push yesterday from her mind.

"Shall we?"

Thank you so much for reading! Have a fantastic week and I'll see you when I see you!

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