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In the courtyard of the Red Keep, where the sun casts golden rays upon the cobblestones, Annabelle, Jacaerys, and Lucerys are engaged in a lively game of swordfighting. Their wooden swords clash and clang as they dart and weave around one another, their laughter filling the air like music as they revel in the joy of companionship.

At nine years old, Annabelle is a vision of grace and strength, her curls cascading around her shoulders as she moves with the fluidity of a seasoned warrior. She may be young, but she is skilled in the art of swordplay, her movements precise and calculated as she spars with her brothers.

Jacaerys, at ten years old, is a picture of determination and courage, his brown hair tousled by the wind as he engages his brother and best friend in mock combat. He may be the eldest, but he is always eager to join in the fun, his laughter echoing through the courtyard as he duels with his sister and brother.

And then there is Lucerys, the youngest of the trio at six years old, his eyes wide with wonder as he swings his wooden sword with all the enthusiasm of youth. He may not be as skilled as the others, but he makes up for it with his boundless energy and infectious enthusiasm.

Together, the three of them are inseparable, their bond of friendship stronger than steel as they laugh and play in the warm afternoon sun. They may be of different ages and backgrounds, but they are united by a shared love of adventure and a desire for companionship.

As they continue to spar with one another, Annabelle can't help but notice the way Lucerys struggles to keep up with his older siblings, his movements clumsy and uncertain as he tries to match their skill. And so, with a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye, she decides to let him win, allowing him to deliver the final blow that sends her collapsing to the ground in mock defeat.

"Ha! I got you!" Lucerys exclaims triumphantly, his face alight with joy as he raises his wooden sword in victory.

Annabelle laughs at her brother's enthusiasm, her heart filled with love and affection for the youngest member of their trio.

"Well done," She says with a grin, ruffling his hair affectionately, "You're getting better every day."

From a safe distance, Harwin Strong watches the young ones play like a proud father. He whistles, and the children soon come running. They follow the man with a gold cloak up the stairs and into the chambers, where Jacaerys grabs Annabelle's hand and drags her over to a cast iron pot, hot with charcoals.

" Look! We picked out an egg for our brother," Jacaerys exclaims as he carefully pulls back the lid, allowing a bit of smoke to escape the cast iron.

" Wow," Annabelle utters, her eyes sparkling as she marvels down at the dragon's egg.

And soon enough, Princess Rhaenyra comes into her chambers as her husband trails behind with the newborn babe in his arms. Jace and Luke excitedly tell their mother about the dragon egg while the Princess takes her seat.

" Lady Annabelle," Laenor says as he catches the child's attention, "Your grandsire wishes to see you."

With a nod, the young girl gives Jacaerys a rather large hug, then rushes off into the labyrinth of the Red Keep where she seeks out the Hand of the King.

Lord Lyonel Strong.

In the quiet chambers of Lord Lyonel Strong, a game of chess is already set up on the ornate wooden table that dominates the room. The pieces are meticulously arranged, the black and white squares forming a pattern of order and symmetry that belies the chaos of the world outside.

Annabelle enters the room with a sense of trepidation, her heart pounding in her chest as she prepares to face her grandfather. She knows that he is not like her father, that he does not understand her love of swordplay and adventure, but she also knows that he is family, and family is important.

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