Chapter 1 - Meeting MiW

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Marin and Raven had their own emo/metalcore band called Bloodlust, Marin was the bassist, and Raven was the guitarist, their drummer was their other friend Ronan. They all did vocals, two of them duetted on songs or one would have their own individual vocal song, or occasionally all three of them would do a song together, each having their own verse with choruses being random on who sings them. They worked it weirdly, but it also worked for them and they had fans for it. The three of them had known each other for years, except only Raven and Marin were fans of Motionless in White, hell the two of them LOVED MiW, Ronan always kind of found it funny how much the two fangirled. So when the two got the call about a tour with Motionless in White, they said yes immediately. Now, they were on their tour bus, Ronan was on Instagram on his phone, watching the most cursed reels ever, and Marin and Raven were talking about how things would go. Raven was fangirling over Chris Motionless, while Marin was fangirling over Vinny Mauro. The two of them had no idea how their fangirling and obsessing would turn into something they both never expected and had only ever fantasized about. They only had a few hours left until they met up with Motionless in White, and their excitement just kept growing, as did their anxiousness.

Their bus pulled into the parking lot for the first venue, they still had to set things up and help their crew before the concert that night, and, of course, they still had to meet the band that invited them onto the tour, Motionless in White. And as they expected, as soon as all of them stepped out of the bus, Motionless in White was pulling in. Raven immediately lost it, she shook Ronan in excitement, who just rolled his eyes and ignored her antics, while Marin was, well being Marin, and being absolutely insane and giddy. Eventually, dumb and dumber got holds of themselves and acted calm and collected (for once) as the members of MiW started getting out of their tour bus. Ryan was the first to come out, Ricky was second, Justin was third, and Chris and Vinny were the last two to come out and they came out at the same time, talking about some plans for the next music video they were gonna do. Raven and Marin had met the members of MiW before, but it was one of those fan meet and greets and an occasional DM on Instagram, never anything serious. So, the act they got to actually talk to them this time and spend more than just a couple of minutes was exciting to say the least. But thankfully, they didn't embarrass themselves and kept their calm as the five men the two women were obsessed with (specifically Vinny and Chris) were standing right in front of them. The two bands kind of just admired each other for a moment. It was clear both bands had respect for each other, especially since both came from similar backgrounds and had similar styles and images. Eventually the silence was broken by Chris who cleared his throat before speaking up. "So, you're all the members of Bloodlust, right?" And surprisingly, Raven was bold and confident enough to nod her head and reply. "Yep. That'd be us." Then Ronan decided to be a jackass and embarrass both Raven and Marin. "And you know, the band with the batshit crazy best friends who are obsessed with your music. Especially Raven." Both Raven and Marin punched him in his arms, one on each side. Raven gave him a threatening look as Marin just shook her head, Chris just held back his laughter as did the rest of MiW, though Vinny couldn't hold back his laughter. Marin practically melted at the sound of his laughter and Ronan snickered while Raven regained her composure and spoke up. "So, I hate to be the one to say this and sound like we're ungrateful for being invited on this tour, because we definitely are grateful, but who's idea was it to invite us of all bands? We're not exactly as high tier as other bands you've gone on tour with, so why us?" Surprisingly, the quiet one of the band, Ryan spoke up, "Because we saw the amount of dedication you guys have and well, I'm gonna be honest, Chris thought you guys reminded him of early Motionless with your image." Chris then cut in, "I also thought it'd be nice to get a smaller band such as yourselves the notoriety you deserve." Of course, the compliments made Raven blush, but she quickly hid it as both Marin and Ronan rolled their eyes and Ronan responded for Raven. "What Raven was trying to say was thank you and that we appreciate this opportunity. She's a bit uh... insecure about our music sometimes." Raven rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, not even bothering to defend herself as Chris chuckled, and just like Marin with Vinny, she basically melted at the sound of Chris's laughter. 

After a few conversations, jokes, and even a bit of teasing was held between both bands, they had to do their concert. Bloodlust's set went well and so did MiW's.

A\N: I am so sorry if this is bad. I have no idea how to do two ships at once, but I'll figure it out and when I do, I'll come back and edit this. As for rn, this is the best I have. Once again, I'm sorry if it's bad.

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