Chapter 2

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A\N: This chapter is going to focus on Raven and Chris, if you only want to see the Vinny and Marin parts (I'm talking to you, Marin, the real person, and my bestie), go ahead and skip this and any other part focusing on Raven and Chris if you want to. I can put recaps and quick summaries if this does tie into the story as an important part later on.  Also, this story takes place in late 2015 to early-mid 2016. Don't ask why I'm using Justin instead of Devin, cuz yes ik Justin wasn't in the band yet, but with Devin's controversy, I don't want to use him. Anyways, enjoy this chapter if you do read it.

Raven had gotten up before Ronan and Marin, which was unusual, normally they were up before her as she normally slept until noon, but no, not today. She wanted to go back to sleep but decided against it, she would feel unmotivated and lazy for the rest of the day if she did. So, she got up and got dressed, brushed her hair, and decided to do a small, basic eyeliner look since she was bored, before heading outside of the tour bus and walking to the nearby Starbucks. She got to the Starbucks, expecting no one to really be there since it was 8 am and the usual morning rush was over, but no, she was wrong. The entirety of MiW was there. And she didn't even notice until she had already gotten her coffee, she was too focused on the music in her AirPods and looking at Instagram on her phone. But that was soon interrupted by Chris going up to her and tapping her shoulder. She quickly put her phone in her pocket and took one of her AirPods out. "Jesus fucking Christ, don't do that." Chris chuckled, "sorry, didn't mean to scare you. I was just going to ask if you wanted to hang out with me and the rest of motionless." "Oh, uh, sure," Raven replied with a shrug before following Chris back to the table where the rest of MiW was sitting at, and lo and behold, the only free seat was next to Chris, not that she was complaining, it just didn't help at all with her being a complete nervous wreck around him or the fact she was a fangirl. Though, she managed to not embarrass herself as she conversed with Chris and the rest of MiW for the whole hour they all sat there. But instead of heading back to her own band's tour bus, she went back with MiW to theirs. Of course, she texted Marin and Ronan to give them a head's up first. 

When Raven, Chris, Ricky, Ryan, Justin, and Vinny all got back to the tour bus, Vinny and Justin started playing video games, Ricky and Ryan started talking about some ideas for guitar riffs for the next album, which left Raven and Chris to talk to each other. The two went over to Chris's bunk and sat down, with Chris on one end and Raven on the other. After a moment, Raven decided to break the silence. "So, I'm curious as a fan of your music, when's the next album coming out? I've heard the single you guys have released, but I'm curious on when the actual album will be released." She asked, Chris just simply shrugged and said, "As of right now the date is set for May 5, 2017, but the label might change it. I wouldn't be surprised if they did." Raven nodded her head, "yeah, labels are a pain in the ass from what I hear. My band's never been signed to one, which is fine with us, it just means we have to work more to put stuff out." The conversation continued for a while before Raven ended up having to go back to her own band's bus. Turns out, her and Chris got along better than she expected. By the time, Raven got back, both Marin and Ronan gave her questioning looks. She explained where she had been and the other two gave each other knowing looks, but didn't ask anything else. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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