Chapter 28

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The day's practice had ended, leaving a trail of exhaustion and camaraderie in its wake. In the quiet of Shubman's room, Avneet's voice softly broke the silence as she spoke into the phone, her words carrying the warmth of home, "You'll be here by dawn, won't you, ma?" With a gentle click, the call ended, and she turned to find a lineup of familiar faces—Virat, Rohit, Hardik, Ishan, Jadeja, Bumrah, Shami, and Siraj—all awaiting their turn to visit Shubman.

"What's up?" Avneet inquired, her eyebrows arching in playful curiosity.

"We're here to see Shub," Siraj declared, his voice echoing the collective sentiment of the group.

Avneet's response was swift and teasing, "And who's stopping you?" The room erupted in laughter, but it was cut short as Shubman's laughter turned into a fit of coughing. Avneet was by his side in an instant, offering water and comfort.

Rohit leaned in, his concern veiled with a light-hearted tone, "How's it going, kiddo?" Shubman's frown was quick, "I'm not a kiddo, bhai," he protested, only to be met with Rohit's affectionate hair ruffle, "To me, you'll always be my kiddo. So, how are you really feeling?"

"I'm doing alright, bhai. The doctor says my platelets are up; just feeling tired is all," Shubman replied, trying to reassure his concerned brother.

Virat chimed in with a brotherly jab, "You've always been on the leaner side, and now you're even leaner!"

"Bhaaaaiiii," Shubman groaned, drawing laughter from the group.

Ishan wrapped an arm around Virat, joining in the teasing, "He's right, you know. I keep telling you to eat more, but do you listen? No."

Shubman's glare at Ishan was playful yet pointed, and Ishan turned to Avneet, feigning fear, "Bhabhi, save me from his wrath!"

The room filled with chuckles and chides, a testament to the deep bonds they shared. Amidst the laughter, a nurse arrived with Shubman's lunch, and Avneet gently coaxed him, "Time to eat, Maan."

Shubman's nose wrinkled at the sight of the oats, "Yuck! Neet, I don't want it." But the stern looks from around the room were enough to persuade him to start eating.

The doctor's arrival brought good news, lifting spirits, "Mr. Gill, you can start practicing again from tomorrow, but take it easy."

As the room cleared, Avneet's curiosity got the better of her, "What's all this about?" Shubman's confession came with a mischievous grin, "Ishan has a thing for Krupa."

"Krupa who?" Avneet's surprise was genuine.

Shubman facepalmed, "Your best friend, Krupa Lakhani."

Avneet's shock turned into delight, "What! He asked her out?"

Shubman nodded, "And she said yes. But keep it under wraps, or I'm in trouble."

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me," Avneet assured him with a wink.

The conversation was interrupted by Keart and Shahneel's arrival, their banter filling the room with a new energy. "He looks perfectly fine to me," Shahneel joked.

"Shahneel, don't tease him; he's not well," Keart chided, though Shubman's laughter betrayed his improving health.

"How are you feeling, Kake?" Shahneel asked, concern lacing his voice.

"I'm good. The doctor gave me the green light for practice tomorrow," Shubman replied with a nod.

Keart suggested, "Avneet, go freshen up. We'll keep him company."

With a grateful smile, Avneet took her leave, the sound of friendly chatter trailing behind her. A refreshing shower later, she found Ishan getting ready, his excitement palpable. "A date?" she guessed.

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