Chapter 25 - Death

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I wondered what it would be like if they accepted my decision to become a death eater and make that deal. What would the world look like if there wasn't a war that happen in order to un-alive Harry fucking potter. I mean come on what's so special about that idiot with the geeky glasses and stupid scar. Whatever it was he was a sold called "chosen one" and I'd rather die than be that. But I sent myself here to keep everyone safe and my soulmates couldn't nor would accept that notion. And it pissed me off that they didn't accept it, it was my fucking decision and they didn't accept it. What would they do if they were in my shoes, probably the same thing but I wouldn't leave them. No I'd never abandon them like they did me because I've been there, the feeling isn't lovely at all.

As time went on and I found myself naked in the woods again after having shifted and ran around. Chasing whatever I was, not that I had much to chance here because nothing existed in this world other than the five people that were sent here. I stood slowly still naked and made my way towards the house when I felt a shift in the world. I felt it, felt them and it made me feel something again something I didn't want to feel anymore. I grabbed some clothes, got some cigarettes went to the porch with a bottle of whiskey and the cigarettes. I lit the cigarette took a puff, then downed some whiskey when I saw people approaching. Nothing went through my head as they got closer even started running to me.

And when they reached me or close enough I threw the now empty whiskey bottle to the ground watching it shatter. I put out the cigarette with my fingers and walked into the house slamming the door in their faces. Hope was the first to open the door followed by Klaus, Matteo and Theo as well. I sat on the couch grabbing a book when they entered.

"Trinity" Hope said softly

"She's dead, no longer here" I said as I turned the page in the book

"Come on don't say that" Matteo said

"She died when you abandoned her in that office, when you turned your back on her after promising you'd never leave" I said

Now I stood and threw the book into the fire place as I pointed my finger angrily at them.

"She's gone, never returning because of you the two people who promised her the world and gave her nothing but hate after she did the biggest thing she or I regret just to save you, to save the people I loved the most and what do I get in return FUCKING ABANDONED, I got nothing so yes she's dead that girl you knew weeks ago is gone, a death eater witch, or tribrid death eater that doesn't feel anything anymore and I revel in it, I have fun here all alone so go away just leave me here like you did last time" I said and went to storm off

"I regret it" Matteo said causing me to freeze

"What, regret loving me, regret mating me, regret being with me, sleeping with me, FUCKING ME" I snapped

"All of it" he shouted

That hurt, I clutched my chest and dropped to the ground anger filled me but most importantly sadness. Tears streaming down my face as Theo approached with a blank expression as well.

"Your right, we abandoned you trinity and we'd do it again and again because we regret it all, loving you, fucking you, marking you" Theo taunted

"Please, stop" I cried

"No, that's what you want to hear isn't it, that we regret everything Merlin especially fucking loving you, regret it the most" Matteo taunted with a laugh

The house shook as I boiled with rage and sadness the windows shattered as I lunged for them but all the did was hold me. Hold me in their arms as we were drawn out of the world and then they leg go. Tears filled my eyes at the realization of what they'd done, they tricked me.

"You tricked me" I said sadly looking down

I was kneeling in the grass as all my emotions hit me like a fucking train.

"You left me, you hate me, why do I keep losing everything, why, why am I alive anymore" I cried

Matteo approached slowly and kneeled beside me while Theo did the same.

"Love" Matteo said reaching for me

"No, no matter what I do nothing goes right, I can't make everyone happy fucking hell I can't even find the things to make myself happy, Joshua was right, I'm useless and just a fucking whore" I cried and reached for it

I reached for the knife in my picked in one swift moment I put it against my neck.

"No please" Theo and Matteo cried

"If I, if I die then I'll be ok, you'll find another mate" I said

"Trinity don't" Hope shouted

"I'm sorry you feel the way you do, but you won't have to feel that way again, you don't have to feel sorry for me, feel forced to love me, I'll be gone and you won't have to hate me anymore" I said and then I switched it

I stabbed myself in the stomach right where I knew if I pulled it out I'd bleed to death. So I did, I pulled it out gasped for air clutching my stomach as my head fell in Theo's lap.

"Cara Mia, why" he cried

"Find someone you love truly love" I said as I felt my eyes grow heavy

"No don't go" hope cried

"It was, nice" I said coughing up blood now

"Please trinity" Matteo cried

"I always knew I was going to be alone, die alone, but I've accepted it now" I said

And as my eyes got heavier suddenly they disappeared, they were there they never were. I was hallucinating the entire thing and I lay here in the prison world dying. But because it wasn't me holding the world together if I died I wouldn't come back like Kai does. I flipped my humanity on by myself thinking they were here with me, but in reality I was alone. I was dying alone and for once I felt peace as it swallowed me while, the blood seeping through the carpet around me. When I felt them, but who knew if I was hallucinating again or not, because I didn't I couldn't tell for the life of me anymore.

"Cara Mia, your going to be fine" Theo's voice said

"You can't die I never got to say sorry" Matteo cried

"Goodbye" I said and took my last breath before everything went black and peace is all I could feel

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