Its not possible-

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-(Top picture is Vee! He doesn't bite nor is he that pale.. so think of him Val's skin color which he is cause I redid the skin color js don't have a photo. Anyway! Welcome to Book 2 of Misunderstandings!)-


Me and Val had been married awhile like maybe a few months and well except for our jobs and occasional disagreements we were happy and considered healthy but we are still in hell. I groaned as I opened the door it had been a long day at work after all. But the moment I sat down on the couch my husband pounced on me "Voooxxxieeeeeee!!!!!" I chuckled "Yes darling?"  Val smiled sitting on my lap.. he appeared to be holding something it looked like a... doll?? "V-Val what is this?" He seemed excited to tell me which was cute, I gently stroked his fluff and antennae which got him to squeak a bit before he spoke "Its our son! His name Is Vee me and Vel agreed on the name cause he has a part of all on us! He has my wings and antennae plus skin tone one of the wings is designed as a kinda reference to you he has my eye and yours. his mouth is your color teeth saliva etc and and!! best part!! He has a dick!" I laughed as Val told me the last part "Val, its  cute and all but.. Vee is just a doll" I saw his antennae droop which made me stop laughing "I know.. but its a nice thought right??" he asked looking hopeful of my answer.. "It's very sweet Val but.. not possible" he sighed before cuddling into me.. I held him close before picking him up and taking him to bed. I set him down placing the blankets over him before heading back to the living room. I had notice Val leave Vee on the couch, I never like crushing his dreams but it just simply was not possible. I wasn't like alastor who could probably bind a soul to him and make him come to life, All I could do is make him a machine and I don't wanna do that either. Not because I don't love Val of course! Just, it would take so much time, energy, Money, and of course it might not even work in the end so all that would go to waste. I sighed picking up the doll, I smiled softly gently hugging him before bringing him back to Val getting into bed and cuddling. A few hours past and it was now almost time to get up and I hadn't slept a wink. I sighed sitting up, rubbing my eye's I saw the doll Val was holding. Fuck it. Lets give this a shot.. I scrolled through my contracted souls before finding one that might do the trick. I erased to soul turning it into a fresh new soul kinda? I gently picked up the doll from Val and with a small zap of electricity bounded it to the doll "Lets hope that works.. but for now.. I need some fucking sleep." I set the doll or 'Vee' as Val calls it back down into his arms cuddling into him as I finally fell asleep.


I groaned as I felt something playing with my broken antennae "Stop.." I groaned thinking it was Vox. All I heard was some kinda static moth chirp which got my attention cause that didn't sound like a Vox snore or purr. I lifted my head and came face to face with.. "Vee? OMG!" I quickly scooped him up he four small hands playing with my fluff. My wings fluttered as I quickly went downstairs to feed him. "Okay Vee what would you like to eat huh?~ Oh wait shit- "Voxxie baby!! I'm sorry to wake you up but I need your credit card!~" "Fuck off! I'm tired Val.." is all I got in response which I smiled at, "but I have to feed Vee and we don't have baby food.." Vox quickly shot awake a look of shock on his face seeing me holding Vee who was no longer a doll but a real kid. "I-It worked? IT FUCKING WORKED!!" he seemed eustatic I smiled as he quickly got up starting to get dressed while speed dialing Velvette. I set Vee down on the bed next to Vark while also getting dressed myself, I was scared he was gonna look but he seemed to get distracted by a certain landshark pup. Vark came over and I was about to rush other to grab Vee away from him cause the shark had a habit of accidentally hurting or breaking things whenever he got excited but for once.. he seemed to be super gentle.. lifting Vee by his neck fluff setting him down on the floor before laying down looking at him in awe. Vee cooed using his four arms to pet the landshark who was gentle and enjoyed the pats. Vel meanwhile didn't answer which didn't shock either of us as it was 6 A.M. so Vox using his phone took some photo's "Please send me them cause this is adorable." I stated sliding my white dress pants on, "I will you know I will" I smiled before grabbing my phone and calling Velvette which answered. "Fucking what!? Its 6 A.M!" I pulled the phone away from my ear, I was blind didn't need to be deaf too. Once she was done screaming I returned the phone to my ear "Well you know Vee? the 'doll' we created yesterday?" "Well yea why?.." "Well my favorite husband managed to make him come to life so I need you here ASAP." Right after I finished that sentence she hung up and two minutes later  barged into the room. "Where is my Nephew!?" me and Vox both jumped startled by the sudden appearance of the Social media demon who looked like she had spent hours getting ready when in reality she had spent seconds a minute max. "Me and you are gonna go get baby supplies while Voxxie being the amazing new father he is is gonna baby sit-" "What!? why me!?" "Because your tired and need to sleep. Me and Vel slept wonderfully. I can tell your fucking exhausted." Vox rolled his eye's before agreeing. Me and Vel smiled, I grabbed my phone and placed a gentle kiss on Vox's cheek as well as a quick kiss on his lips before me and Velvette left for baby supplies.


After Val and Vel left I sat down on the floor beside Vee and Vark, "Hey Vark, promise to protect and look after him?" Vark purred as an answer. I smiled giving him a pat before looking over at Vee who seemed tired, "Hey little man how about a nap with dad hm?" Vee cooed lifting all four of his arms toward me wanting to be held, I chuckled picking him up and cradling him singing softly watching as Vee fell asleep in my arms. I held him on my chest as I laid down pulling the blankets over me and him falling asleep also...

~{Welcome to Book 2 of Misunderstandings~ Meet out sweet little boy Vee! More drawing will be shown in fact I did some today 2/5/24. Anyway enjoy and more chapters out when I can! Good day/night/morning}~

Words: 1229

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