Revealed secrets..

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It's been a few months since my amazing Husband gave Vee life, He's been a trouble maker and seems to struggle talking but is very hyper and I guess Vocal? I'm more meaning he's almost one and still hasn't said his first word. But hey he can still tell us what he wants in his own way and that's the most amazing thing. He seems to love puzzles, like making us guess what he's trying to spell by grabbing items that start with the letters then he'll order them to the correct order to spell, so he's not dumb or unable he just doesn't want to. Which is okay, but it is a little annoying at times. Anyway, Vee was going out with Velvette to the mall to get him some clothes and toys. Me and Vox have so sense of fashion so we were instructed to stay home, do some work and set up his own room cause we hadn't done that yet.. I know that might be bad parenting but the little gremlin insists on sleeping with us, probably has separation anxiety.. We'll get him checked at some point but for right now I better get everyone awake..

I sighed softly as I detached myself from Vox, leaving him with Vee as I got up and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. I made Vox's favorite. Bacon, pancakes and whipped cream. I also made some nice soft pikelets for Vee also brewing myself mostly, a cup of coffee. Vox could get his own. I was snapped out of my thoughts as Vox walked in tired, shirtless and only in his boxers, holding baby Vee who looked happy and hungry. "food!" Vee cooed reaching out for me which was sweet. I gently picked him up holding his with my lower set of arms as I walked into the kitchen and got him and Voxxy some food. "Thanks Tino.. Velvette is coming over and will be taking this little guy shopping.. I already reserved the mall so only our staff will be running it so no one will know about our little mischief maker until we are ready and if Vel breaks that rule she wont see him again" Vox spoke softly and casually before having a long drink of his coffee which I don't know when he got it, as I set a plate of pancakes and bacon on the table in front of Vox as well as a knife and fork. I then set Vee down in a Vox's lap as I set down a small plate of pikelets.. "Eat up, you're gonna need the energy to survive auntie Velvette for the day" Vee happily dug in finishing his food rather fast, not long after Velvette burst through the door "Morning cunts! where is my amazing Nephew!?!" me and Vox jumped while Vee giggled reaching for Vel who scooped him up flipped us off and left- wait- "VELVETTE!!!" me and Vox yelled but it was too late. She was already out the door and down the elevator.. "Well. She's gone." "Long fucking gone." I groaned before ordering kitty to clean up. 

"We should get started on Vee's room. The parts for the bed he liked arrived a few hours ago. Should be in my office so let me shove a shirt on maybe pants I cannot care less. I mean the fuck are they gonna do? if they value they're pathetic lives they wont question or take a photo so.." I chuckled "So you'd rather them see your shark boxers than your nice strong chest Papi?~" I teased, His screen turned a light cyan as he grumbled softly "You have a point. Fine. by the way Fuck you!" Vox called out as he wandered into our room to shove on a pair of pants "We could while they're gone!~ It'd have to be a quickie though!~" I retorted, snickering to myself as i walked into the spare room. I was already mentally planning how it would turn out. One of the big things we know about Vee is that he's an animal baby, but his favorites are Sharks, Wolves, Snow leopards, and a few specific sharks.. (If you wanna know what specific species js ask :D) Vox hugged me from behind taking me out of my thoughts. "I'm off, be back soon love" I chuckled, letting out a few chirps. "Okay, have fun~ Remember, that this is mine. Anyone touches it Moneyshot will become their best friend." I spoke in a mixture of seductive and threatening. Vox laughed, kissing me on the cheek before he left to grab the bed, shelves and other shit he'd ordered.

-Meanwhile Velvette's POV-

"Okay Vee, Lets get you some cute clothes and toys!~"I cooed, Vee looked happy as his antennae twitched. The limo pulled up outside the booked out mall and I grabbed Vee, we headed inside and I held him against my hip. "Where to first hm?" Vee pointed to a toy shop which, I was not surprised about in the slightest. We walked in and I set him down so he could run around. Not like anyone else was there. Vox made sure of that. Overprotective dad, didn't know he had it in him with him being all up his own ass and shit. Vee quickly ran off fluttering his wings as he ran to the toy shop quickly vanishing down the aisles looking at all the toys. I tried my best to keep up with him, but it's rather hard scene as how he's full on energy and he is Tiny. After awhile we managed to get him some shark stuff.. and so many wall decorations.. like enough to cover the ceiling to. We ended up giving them to the employee ordering them to chuck them in the limo as we moved onto clothes. Vee didn't seem to like most the clothes whether it was the fabric, color, design, he was rather picky about it. Couldn't blame him though, his parents nor I are much better. So, instead I bought some fabric and promised to make him something, while picking fabric he showed me what ones he did and didn't like the feel of. Soon enough we finally made it to the main part of why we even came here in the first place, other than toys, the playground! Vee ran off and started playing, I gave him a word of warning to stay put before I dashed off to grab some make-up. I was gone for thirty seconds and when I came back.. Vee was being picked up, surrounded, and flashed by cameras. My eye's widened.. shit! he wasn't meant to be revealed to the public yet!!! I pulled out my phone sending the group chat a message before dashing over to help Vee. I was about to grab him but was blasted back by a cloud of pink smoke which was laced with electricity.. Here's his daddies...

Hello!!! I was gonna add more but why not leave it on a cliff hanger get you a chapter and give me time to brainstorm for any one of my books? Love yall!! I hope you enjoy.. His daddies are not happy.. I think we know that.. we all know not to cross a mama and its baby.. or well- dad's in this case. Also to shove on a fun Vee fact that was scrapped, Vee originally was gonna call Val 'daddy' but because of well- Val and how sexualized it has become I changed it to papa he was also meant to have four arms but because of at the time my lack of ability to draw four arms well it was scrapped and changed so that he could make them appear like angel dust does, if you would like to see a drawing of Vee with four arms let me know! anyway Good Morning/Afternoon/Night!!

Words: 1315

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