Relax day..

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 -Val's POV- I walked into the room about to call out but quickly noticed the adorable scene in front of me. Vox with Vee on his chest sleeping peacefully. It was fucking adorable, I quickly set my things down before pulling out my phone and snapping a picture before Vel came into the room seeing the scene and also snapping some photo's. "Can I post these on my socials?" Vel whispered "No, not yet.. Vee hasn't even been alive for a day, give us a week alone to enjoy him cause once the public finds out its over. They don't even know me and Vox are married they just think were fucking is all." Vel nodded understanding where I was coming from "Well I'll leave you and your husband alone I have some shit to do anyway" Vel chuckled blowing me a kiss before she left. I smiled before going over to my sleeping husband and our new son Vee climbing into bed managing to get Vox situated in-between my legs his back and head resting on my chest as he had one arm lightly over Vee as he slept. Fuck they are so cute- I was brought out of my thoughts by the sound of a picture being taken I look over and see Velvette at the door I give her the look 'send me that' and she nods before leaving properly this time closing the door behind her. I relaxed playing with Vox's antennae relaxing as I watched the antennae displaying on his screen. He was dreaming about Vee and me of course and just us being a big nice family then it switched to him and Vee playing with Vark. I watched the dreams for awhile before falling into a light sleep myself.


I woke up to Vee moving around seeming uncomfortable, Val had also come back and was asleep behind me holding me and Vee close which I smiled at. Vee managed to slip free and dropped off the bed crawling over to Vark tapping him on the head. The landshark woke up seeing Vee he gently picked him up in his teeth walking over to the bed and handing him to me, I chuckled quietly taking Vee setting him back on my chest before patting the bed for Vark to jump on which he did he cuddled up onto me and Vee left me to go cuddle up with Vark. I laughed which caused Val to wake up "What whats happening!? Is Vee okay!?" "Hey hey easy there I was just laughing dork not screaming. Calm down." Val calmed down before seeing Vee curl up with Vark. "He's cute but if he wants to sleep tonight he has to wake up besides he has clothes to try on a food to try!" Vee's antennae perked at the mention of the words 'new things' I smiled getting out of bed as Val scooped Vee up in his arms. Vee hugged back as Val chirped, I think Val is going to try be the best father he can be.. but it's Val he has impulsivity control but I'll do my best to keep him in check. I'm on meds for my ADHD now so I can actually get shit done and not make a mockery out of myself. But we will see how that goes, Anyway Val had already walked out the door with Vee to get him to try new foods. He wasn't fussy but he wasn't up for everything either. We found what he did like tolerated and hated before Val got him to try on some new clothes being gentle with him. Val being a dick bought him one dress and one skirt (Now I wanna draw Vee in a skirt or dress fuck.) which Vee didn't mind the skirt cause it was rather long but hated the little baby dress. After getting everything sorted me and Val both made mental notes of everything our new child likes dislikes and doesn't mind we left the house to buy fucking groceries which oh boy was not fun...

{Imma write them at the grocery store as just a little bonus chapter next chapter before writing a proper long one. My apologies that this is short I'll do better next time and Sorry if I ain't writing this good at like fathers and son I'm trying I just uh.. was raised as 'hey we love you but play and relax by yourself cause we cant be bothered playing with you' kinda way which means well family issues. ANYWAY see you all next time! P.s Vox will go more into depth with his meds and one chapter he'll forget to take em but that's not for awhile. Good night/day/morning!!}


New Beginnings~ Book 2 {VoxVal/Staticmoth}Where stories live. Discover now