Act 1: Chapter 5: My Warfare will

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Sound grew over, low rumble, like distant thunder, but swiftly crescendos into a tempest. The very air quivers and Lylliana's eardrums ache.

Slowly Lylliana opened her eyes as the sound awakened for her, The air was thick with anticipation as the colossal dragon unfurled its wings, silhouetted against the crimson sky. obsidian-black and iridescent, ripple down its sinewy body. Each movement sends sparks dancing along its armored hide. That was the appearance of the dragon in fury with the dragon's eyes blazing like molten gold, pupils slitted with ancient knowledge.

Such a divine beast can manipulate Lylliana the Beauty of the creature, She shakes her head and tries to get it off and focus on the battle. The dragon is still not good for this kingdom and only brings disaster among others. She can't let herself be softened by it.

She was sharper than before knowing she would come back. She glares at the dragon and the beast starts to grow furious at her. As the beast charges flying toward them, The dragon leans back, head tilting toward the heavens. Flames erupt-a tempest of orange, yellow, and white. The very air trembles as the inferno roars forth.

The emperor's face stays calm and even despite the dragon's frightening appearance, he stays firm and he stares at the beast as it charges towards him with an inferno of fire that roars towards him and the knights.

The emperor quickly draws his blade and his expression doesn't change as he stands bravely in front of the beast. He notices how Lylliana is now focused and her will is back as she is determined to help the men fight off the dragon as well.

He quickly yells at everyone,

"Stand your ground to fight and do not retreat from the beast!!!!"

The Knights quickly respond and shout in unison,

"Yes sir!!"

as they stand their ground and hold their weapons while they wait for the dragon's approach. The dragon had now gotten a bit close and it seemed like it was about to send another wave of fire toward them, but the Knights remained firm to fight the dragon while it came closer and closer.

Lylliana was about to charge as well to defeat the dragon when she heard a scream behind her. One of the guards was injured yet beyond those lies she realized.

the fire lashed out, twisting and writhing. It devours everything in its path-trees, rocks, even the very earth. As saw half of the kingdom crumble beneath her very eyes an actualization started to grow through her.

"Crap, I don't even know how to fight!"

how her realization made her realize that she didn't have any combat skill, She thought when she stood there, The air was thick with anticipation, and her footsteps echoed, a haunting rhythm that matched the frantic beat of my heart.

At that moment a glimpse caught my attention, the blazing fire spread over her, finding out that the Dragon had struck again. The heat is searing, and blistering. It warps the air, creating shimmering mirages, and she panics.

The emperor then realizes that the dragon attacked a guard and injured him which is worrying. The dragon then strikes with fire in her direction and it instantly burns and blisters her and it is intense enough to warp the air around her.

The emperor sees her struggle and in pain due to the intensity of the fire and he quickly goes to her and tries to help her immediately.


the Emperor shouts while he runs to her quickly and grabs Lylliana's arm, he then pulls her away from the direction of the fire and takes her behind him while he still holds her by his arm.

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