Chapter 3 Fight With Velgrynd

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I agreed on becoming a true dragon. Wisdom king Raphael had now evolved to Ceil. "Gosh... Great sage's names keep changing so fast..." He thought as he evolved as a true dragon, his body looked a tad bit older than before. He looked even more beautiful than before. It seemed like he had lost the features which made him look like Shizu. How I evolved into a true dragon? Simple, I consumed Veldora's skills, core and magicules with the true dragon's factor too . Velgrynd stared in awe, wondering what the hell had just occurred in front of her. She stared, she stayed perpetuated by her anger.

"You... Consumed my brother, and now you dare to use his power!?" Velgrynd was boiling in fury because of Veldora's death, maybe that's the only thing Rimuru found her relatable at.

"Right, I did." I said coldly my voice stern and stoic. I gave her an ice cold glare and she gave me back a glare of hot fury back to me.

I unsheathed my sword and I had noticed it now evolved into a mythical grade after my evolution to become a true dragon. Velgrynd wasting no time came towards me, and made a sword out of her magicules, as soon as it clashed with sword, it broke. Velgrynd and me, stood there confused on what just happened, but Velgrynd didn't give up, she made more swords and clashed it with mine several times. The swords broke every time she clashes her sword on mine. It was practically because my sword was a mythical one and her's was legendary grade by nature. She finally gave up and decided to fight without a sword. She used deadly magic spells which I could barely doge. Her speed was greater than mine.

3rd person pov:

The two catastrophic beings fought. Both their otherworldly beautiful faces, enchanted with murderous glares. They fought and fought until they both ready their trump cards. Velgrynd now shapeshifted her body into that of a meteorite. It fell from the sky at high speeds, it was her final trump card. Rimuru also uses his last trump card and used Void god Azathot on her, which was gluttony king beelzebub before but it's now Azathot as the evolution of true dragon causes it to be upgraded.

"!?" Velgrynd looked shocked as a black cloudy liquid wrapped around her and started to consume her. The meteorite was desolved, as the liquid which did the consumption, goes back to it's Master's body. It was the skill called Void God Azathot. It took a lot of magicules to perform that skill but it proved to be successful.

Rimuru's pov:

After the consumption, Velgrynd was inside of an empty space like void, shrouded with obscuriry. She was bewildered and panicked, I waited for her to calm herself down before I explain things to her, "but would she listen?" I thought, and it was obvious that the answer was no. I wanted to try to find some proof. I could kill her, but I only wanted to after I told her the truth.

"Ceil..." I said.

<<<Yes Master.>>>

Ceil understanding her Master's thoughts gave him the answer she wanted.

<<<Master, it seems that Michael might try to take away her true dragon factor.>>>

Though... Ceil told me who Michael was when she explained me about the empire.

A/N: If you didn't read that part, it's because I never wrote it, but she did give an explanation nevertheless.

That Micheal was a skill in control of his Master's corpse... Rudra who was long dead because of him. Micheal wanted to revive his pre-Master, Veldanava and in the process it gained emotions, and turned into a Manas. He is currently planning to get all the dragon factors so he can combine it with all the skills so he can successfully revive Veldanava. He probably knew deep inside that it wouldn't work, but wanted to try such a useless thing nevertheless. If he did combine all that in a pesudo body to revive Veldanava, it definitely wouldn't work out at all. Instead of Veldanava being revived, it would create a new individual and Michael knew that, more than anyone else did, but... His selfishness wanted to try it out so badly that he played in such a war and created it, killing and hurting countless lives, even S class monsters as I... Not surviving unscathed.

"But this is what Ceil told me, when she evolved into Raphael. How did she know?" Before I could ask, a voice in my head spoke up.

<<<Master, it's because of gaining universal perception during the Harvest Festival. It allowed me to spy on the enemies, and since my analysis are evolved now. I could search into their thoughts without them knowing, and so I gained quite useful information.>>>

The voice in my head said with an Ai like monotone voice as always. It existed solely for gathering information and controling my skills because of it's vast knowledge. Calling Ceil an Ai was a perfect way to describe her.

"I see. You always manage to shock me. Thank you for helping me so for so long." I said, my voice still ice cold and emotionless from what happened before.

<<<No, it's because I solely exist for my Master.>>>

Ceil said when I thanked her. Enough with the talking now, I had to convince Velgrynd the truth, and it seems I can collect some proof into it. Ceil told me that Michael was going to stab Velgrynd's parralel clone to get her true dragon's factor. I told Ceil to record it, and went inside my imaginary space and greeted Velgrynd. She seemed pretty shocked and she brought her gaurd up, as soon as she saw me.

I walked towards her and said coldly. "Now, don't worry. I won't try to kill you right now, but Instead I will tell you something important. It's okay if you don't believe me because you will. I have proof."

I told Ceil to ready the proof. I was going to tell her the truth, before I kill her. She should right now, relax and enjoy the show for the time being.

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