Chapter 8 Reunion

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Leon and Rimuru looked shocked as the person who was dead not long ago appears. It was none other than, Shizu. Shizu looked shocked too at the very scene beholding infront of her very eyes. She belived that she was dead, but it looks like she was mistaken. It was already a coincidence to be summoned in this world, but she was summoned there for the second time too it seems.

Guy looked at both Leon and Rimuru, seemingly amused by the thought of them already knowing whoever this person choosen as the candidate from the summon was. After a few seconds of silence Guy spoke up.

"Well? Anyone who would like a hand in marriage? Well, I know that all of you would say no, but we have to have someone for the sake of creating the Pearl." Guy said looking down at all of them.

"Pearl...? Me?" Shizu said utterly confused on what were they all talking about.

"Well then future pearl, we will explain that later, but for now let's just say your purpose for the summon is to marry one of them." Guy said pointing at the catastrophe classes, basically the Ten lords.

"Well if no one is volunteering, then may I?" Rimuru asked.

"Well of course that'll do." Guy replied.

"You have my blessing--" Leon was cut off.

"Your not her father." Rimuru cuts Leon off.

"But I raised her." -Leon

"That does not count." -Rimuru

"Woah, yall should chill. Stop arguing with each other." Guy said.

"Were not arguing!" Rimuru and Leon said in unision.

Giggles can be heard from Luminous's and Millim's side.

"Well, now since that is decided. Rimuru please take her to a private place and converse with her to explain about the ritual and her purpose." Guy changes the topic.

"And tell her why she needs to marry-" Guy got cut off.

"Ok I'll explain it so don't worry about it." Rimuru cuts Guy off.

"Well then, follow me." Rimuru said.

"Uhm, okay." Shizu replied back confused.

Shizu follows Rimuru, and they reach a room. As they got inside, the door shuts behinds them. Rimuru takes a deep breath before he spoke.

"Before I explain you why you are here. I have to tell you something concerning or rather dissappointing, so please don't hate me after I do explain that kind of news first." Rimuru said.

"They are dead, I'm sorry.... I couldn't protect them." Rimuru continues the cold voice softening but it was still cold enough to make Shizu anxious.

"Your students, are dead.... I was able to solve their magicule problem but I still lost them due to the war. I died before before I could protect them." Rimuru said.

"May I ask... Do you hate me now? I wasn't able to complete such an easy promise and I lost them after I found hope for them." Rimuru continues.

"It's all my fault that I was so naive and stupid. Because of me they-" Rimuru was cut off by Shizu.

"It's not your fault!" Shizu says to him.

"Please give me more details about this war, and if you ask me if I hate you... I absolutely do not!" Shizu said.

Rimuru sighs. He inhales and exhales. He continues.

"Details about the war? Alright I'll tell you." Rimuru said, his voice still cold.

"Before that, would you tell me why I was summoned here? I heard it was because to marry someone, but I do not know why and who." Shizu says.

"Well, about that." Rimuru says, as he starts to explain the reason of the ritual. He explains about the pearl and the protection of 1000 years. He tells her the situation Of the ten demons lords and why they are staying in this mansion. He also explained what happened to his territory and how he came to be the demon lord. After finally explaining that, he finally goes on to explain about the details of the war.

"Oh..." Shizu says trying to process all that information.

"Well thank you for choosing me. I don't think I would've liked marrying other demon lords, as I don't know how will they treat me..." Shizu gulped.

"No problem." Rimuru said coldly.

Shizu flinches as she hears a sudden knock on the door. Startled, she opened the door to see a demon in a maid uniform. She had short blue hair, and blue eyes. The maid was very different from the other demon maids in the mansion. The maid then steps back and puts one of her foot back then leans her back down to bow while elegantly putting a hand on her chest. Shizu was a bit surprised at her manners. She then politely spoke up.

"Shizu-sama, allow me to escort you to your room." The maid said.

"Ah, okay." Shizu replies back.

"Well then, see you tomorrow. Good night." Rimuru said to Shizu as he said his goodbye to her.

"Farewell, goodnight to you too. I hope we have content conversations like this the next time too." Shizu says with a warm smile.

"Ah yes, of course." Rimuru said as Shizu starts walking out of his room.

After the farewell. Rain begins escorting Shizu as the door of the room she just came out of shut. She begins following the maid. The maid leads her down multiple hallways and dorms, as she finally finds the room and tells her that she would be staying here. The room looked luxurious just as she expected. Shizu stepped inside and closed the door as Rain left after she completed her duty to escort Shizu to her new room in this mansion.

As Shizu was finally alone, she collapses on the bed to sleep. The fabric caressing her skin was softer than she expected. She looked up at the ceiling, deep in thought of today's events. She didn't want to live in this world, especially without her students and because Yuuki turned out to be like this. She knew she had no choice but to stay, as she now had a role to fulfill that she didn't want to, but she knew that the demon lords won't be too happy about it. The world's existence, which tormented her so much was now in the palm of hands. If she became the pearl, and died, she would kill the whole world with it, but as much as Shizu hated this world, she won't destroy it, because with Hinata, many innocent people will die.

Shizu sighs, as her eyes start flickering and she finally drifts into a deep sleep.


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