To win it all

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The stadium was blaring with cheers and people talking, a minute left before I'd be making my first appearance in the public eye since joining the Apex Games. Taking a deep breath, I can't help but fidget with the hem of my shirt. Just fake it till you make it- you've got this. Suddenly I hear the announcer begin to speak.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to introduce to you the newest recruit to the Apex Games, Y/N!" I take one more breath before planting a smile on my face, pulling the door open. Immediately I'm overwhelmed by the purple, blue, and green lights flickering around the room- almost like a nightclub or party. At the thought of that, I feel myself smirk a little at the thought of a certain party boy... For a moment I forget where I am, daydreaming about him when the announcer interrupts my thoughts.

"So, Y/N, you must tell us why you decided to join the Apex Games!" I fidget, taking a seat next to the host. For a moment I sit in silence still thinking about him, how his laugh is the most contagious thing I've ever heard, and how much I want to run my fingers through that brunette hair of his that he occasionally dyes green. But the silence and anticipation filling the room brings me back down from the clouds.

"Oh, umm... I guess the simplest way to put it is that I'm here to impress a certain someone." I say with a soft smirk. The audience starts to murmur amongst themselves, trying to guess who it could be. The host smiles, leaning closer to me.

"Well, care to share any more details?" She blinks at me slowly, as I feel my face growing hot. Everyone's going to know who it is anyways when I show up to the Game...

"Well, you will all know for sure at the games but... you could say I'm looking for a kind of rush..."

The host smirks, narrowing her eyes. "A certain daredevil, you mean?" I can feel my face growing hotter, and I can't help but smile in return.

"Guess the cats outta the bag..." I say, glancing towards the audience who begins to yell and cheer out his name.

"Octane?" The host continues to speak. "So you're really not here for fame? Money? Just to impress... a certain someone?" I nod, leaning even closer to the host, excited to talk about him.

"I always watch his stunt videos in my spare time... Who wouldn't fall for him? The way he laughs, his accent, his death-defying stunts? It's all so entertaining to watch- I can feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins just watching-" I stop talking, embarrassed for fangirling on live TV. Smiling, I decided to say one more thing. "I can't wait for all of you to see my outfit." I wink, stepping down from the barstool I was previously sitting in. The host joins me, turning towards the audience.

"Well, you all heard it here first- from the new legend herself. Thanks for coming on the show, Y/N." I nod, waving towards the audience.

"I hope you all watch the game!"


Still a little jittery from being questioned in front of hundreds of people... I make my way back to the apartment building where all the legends stay. I'd say I want to run into him, but that would be a lie. Or would it? I internally face-palm at how open I was about my crush, maybe he didn't see the interview? I take the elevator, knowing that he would take the stairs if anything to get to the set of rooms on the 9th floor. Unfortunately for me, for at least today- he happens to live in the room next to mine.

Filled with anxiety, I pull out my phone and begin to text a close friend of mine- Loba. She joined the games a while before me, urging me to join ever since. At first, I persisted because it simply didn't interest me. Of course it was entertaining to watch for a while, and of course I watched to support her (she's a badass in the ring), but it seemed a little boring. That is until Loba started to mention a crazy stuntsman named Octane. She wasn't exactly a fan of him, but sometimes I think she knew he'd pique my interest enough into joining the games, which he certainly did. She sent me some of his old dirt bike videos after I asked her a thousand times. I watched them all, in awe of him. Soon I began to watch old Apex Games too, where he'd massacre every squad. When Loba asked me to join again, I couldn't pass up the chance to meet him- or at least see him in action for myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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