Chapter 17

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It was upon seeing their classmates that caused Asui and Mineta to look happy. "Satsukida-san... Todoroki... Bakugo..." the short young man was in tears once again.
"And Kirishima-chan." The man on Asui's shoulders had began moving and groaning, making them remember their mission. "Leave this to them. Let's hurry!"
"Right." They continued walking for the stair case.

At the top of the said stair case were some more of their classmates that were relieved upon seeing the four that appeared. "Everyone..." Uraraka looked overwhelmed with joy. But then came to notice something moving towards the staircase. "Wait, isn't that Tsu-chan?" She realised that it was Asui and Mineta, carrying Aizawa. "Hey! Hey!" And she pulled the others down to see them.
"Ochaco-chan?" Asui called up upon seeing her.
"Hey, help us out! He's heavy!" Mineta had told them.
"Aizawa-sensei!?" It was then when some of them began running down the stairs in order to help with their homeroom teacher. While Ashido was still beside Thirteen.
"L-Leave this to All Might..." the injured hero was managing to speak. "When the other teachers get here, get to a safe place..."

Back to the battle, the tenses seemed to be rising as it now seemed like the villains were at a disadvantage. "Kurogiri, our exit and entrance, has been overcome. We're in a pinch." Shigaraki was muttering this while looking over to Kurogiri being pinned down by Bakugo.
"You careless bastard. You're just what I thought you'd be." Who was smirking evilly down at him. "Only some parts of you can turn into misty warp gates. The fog gate covers your actual body, right?" The young man had realised this. "Back then... if you were completely made of mist and physical attacks couldn't touch you, then you wouldn't have said 'that was close.'" Kurogiri tried to move but Bakugo was holding down the neck armor that protected his physical body. "Don't move! If I feel like you're moving suspiciously, then I'll blow you up." He threaten him, behaving more like a villain than the actual villains.
"His behaviour isn't very hero-like..." Kirishima bluntly stated while looking down at his new friend.
"In addition to capturing them, they're almost all uninjured. Kids these days are amusing." Shigaraki compliments the students on their efforts. "They make the league of Villains look bad." Erena was still watching him closely, glaring down at him and waiting for him to move. "Nomu." The creature began sinking into the warp gate and the students watch in horror as Nomu breaks free from his icy prison
"Even though his body's broken... he's still moving?"
"Get back, everyone!" All Might shouted at his students but they were too shock when they witness the Nomu regenerating his frozen limbs. "What? His Quirk wasn't shock absorption?" The hero looked on in shock as he asked this.
"I didn't say that was all he had. This is his super regeneration." The creature had more than one Quirk and it caused All Might to glare down at it as he prepared to be attacked. "Nomu has been modified to take you at 100%. He's a super-efficient human sandbag." The students had then gotten prepared to battle themselves, even Erena had forgotten about Shigaraki as her attention was now on the monster. "First, we need to get our gate back. Go, Nomu." The monster attacks Bakugo before any of them realised it. The force of the impact had been strong that it pushed back Midoriya, Todoroki and Kirishima, while also causing the wave that Erena was on to shake wildly that she had to grip onto it —like it was a solid— in order to stay on it and also keep it from breaking. The smoke from the impact had disappeared from where Bakugo had been holding down Kurogiri, however, there was no sign of the young man, just the Nomu.
"K-Kacchan!" Midoriya screamed out to him. "Kacchan!?" But then was shocked when he noticed the young man was right behind him. "You dodged? That's amazing!" The guys had all turned to him in shock as well, since they didn't even see the creature move until it was too late.
"No, shut up, scum!" Had been his response.
"Then how...?" The others were now a little confused until they looked over to where there was another dust cloud.
"Then that was..." they started to realised that the one that had been sent flying had been their teacher.
"All Might!" The young hero had been saved when All Might took the brunt of Nomu's attack.
"He protected the child, huh?" Shigaraki was impressed with All Might.
"Seeing that the situation had changed, Erena had dropped along with the wave where she landing onto the ground. She understood that her wave would no longer be useful as a threat or action now that Kurogiri had been freed. She stood across from her male classmates looking at their teacher.
"Do you not know how to hold back?" The hero asked as blood was sinking from his lips.
"It was to rescue my companions. I had no choice." This had been stated like it was an expected response. "I mean, earlier, that... that plain-looking one." Shigaraki pointed towards Midoriya as he spoke of him. "He was about to punch me with everything he had, you know." His hand then pointed over to Erena. "And she was ready to drown me." He stated before he began to monologue. "Violence for the sake of others makesit admirable. Isn't that right, hero?" Just hearing him caused All Might to become annoyed. "You know what, All Might? I'm angry. I'm angry at this world that categorises the same violent act as heroic or villainous, deciding what's good and what's bad. Symbol of Peace? Ha. A device to repress violence. Violence only breeds violence. The world will know this once we kill you!"
"That's preposterous. The eyes of white collar criminals like you burn silently. You just want to enjoy this yourself, don't you, you liar?" But All Might replies that Shigaraki and the villains don't have any noble cause for their actions.
"It's three against six." Todoroki stated this as to reminded the other that the villains were out numbered.
"Kacchan already exposed the fog's weakness!" Midoriya mentioned how one of the villains main weakness had already been figured out.
"There guys are crazy, but if we back All Might, we can push them back!" Kirishima activated his Quirk, although he still looked a little nervous. Erena on the other side glanced at the villains, thinking that she could probably subdue the monster with her water and just as she began to have water surrounding her to attack.
"No!" She stopped along with her classmates when All Might shouted at them, stepping forwards. "Run away."
"You would've been in trouble if I hadn't done anything earlier, right?" Todoroki seemed confident in this fact as he was ready to ignore their teacher.
"That was a different story, Young Todoroki. Thanks." However, the teacher had stated this to him before pulling back his fist. "But it's fine! Just watch as a pro gives it everything he's got."
"All Might, you're bleeding... besides, time's—" Midoriya was about to say something but stopped himself.

All Might turned back to the villains before him. "Nomu, Kurogiri. Get him." This had been ordered by Shigaraki.  "I'll deal with the children." He came to informed them of this. "Now, let's clear this and go home."
"Satsukida-san! Get away from him!" Midoriya screamed out to her as Shigaraki was dashing right for her. Seeing this Erena had water steaming out from the lake behind her as it began surrounding her. She was clearly ready to attack him. However, a sudden chill went down the villain's spin as he turned around to All Might in shock, the hero was heading right for him but the nomu was heading right for the hero. The moment their fists had collided a massive blast exploded from them, causing all around them to be thrown off their feet.
"Damn. Hey, you talked about his shock absorption yourself earlier, didn't you?" Shigaraki landed while reminded All Might of this while being all smug about it.
"Yes, I did!" But the hero continued having a full blown fist fight with Nomu. They trade blows and battle across the U.S.J. at incredible speeds, creating shockwaves with each strike that keep anyone else from getting near them. Erena had found herself been thrown into the water behind, which for her was a good thing, especially since she was able to prevent herself from being pushed back anymore then she already was.  She was watching the battle in awe, witnessing the no.1 hero's full power up close was something rarely seen.
"If you Quirk isn't nullification but shock absorption, then there's a limit to it, right?" It was then when they began seeing that All Might was slowly pushing the monster back. "If you can withstand me at 100%, then I'll force you to surrender from beyond that!" His attacked were to fast for the naked eyes to see but it was clear to see that the Nomu was beginning to reach it's limits with it's Quirk. He had then sent it flying away with a punch. "A hero..." All Might throws Nomu onto the ground from high in the air. "...can always break out of a tough spot!" The fight was clearly on All Might's side as the monster was being thrown all over the place by him. "Hey villain, have you ever heard these words? Go beyond!" He pulled back his fist, gathering all his strength. "Plus... Ultra...!" All Might delivers a dynamic smash to send the villain flying out of the U.S.J., defeated. This action had caused the entries building to shake as a result, allowing everyone to fill it in all the other zones

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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