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I remembered how home used to be.

Home was peaceful.

Home was harmonious.

Home was thriving.

Home was beautiful.

I remembered how the people used to be.

The people were laughing with one another.

The people were talking with one another.

The people were walking with one another.

The people did everything with one another.

But now...

Now, I don't know this new home.

New home is ruthless.

New home is terrifying.

New home is deadly.

New home is disgusting.

Now, I don't know these new people.

New people steal from one another.

New people kill one another.

New people lie to one another.

New people want to destroy one another.

I'm watching my home and my people burn because of him.

Because of J'onn J'onzz.

Because of the Martian Manhunter.

Because of the supposed Ma'alefa'ak.

He was supposed to lead us to the golden path.

He led us to a path of destruction.

He failed us.

Failed his legacy.

Failed his home.

Failed his people.

And for that, he must pay.

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