First Day at the Marco House

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   At the end of the school day you met up with Marco and Star and they lead you to their house.

   "Are you sure this isn't to much trouble? I mean, if you want-" You started, but Marco cut you off.

   "It's fine, honestly. My parents will be fine with it and I'm sure Star will want it, right Star?" He asked looking over at her.

   "Of course! I love you, I mean. Not LOVE LOVE but sister love, ya know? And plus, I am just SO happy to see you again!" Star said grinning at you. You chuckled.

  "Okay, whatever you say. But the minute I seem like trouble I'm leaving." You said.

  "They have NO problem with Star, so I know they'll be fine with you, promise." Said Marco smiling at you. You returned it gratefully.

  Once you got to Marco's house he introduced you to his parents, needless to say, they loved you. How different you were and how polite you were. Marco said you could share a room with Star. Once you got done decorating your half of the room Star sat on her bed and looked at you intently.

  "What?" You asked, kinda creeped out by the way she was just, well, staring at you.

  "Do you like Marco?" She asked. You choked on air. Like, for two minutes. When you were done choking you answered.

  "I've known him less than a day. Why, no, HOW could I like him?" You asked bewildered. Okay, he WAS kinda cute and really sweet and his smile was contagious but, it was like that for everyone right? But all humans were like that, right?

  "Well, he sure does like you! I mean he thought you were cute and he just kept asking questions about you!" She grinned. I felt my face turning hot.

  "He was just curious. All humans are like that. No big deal." You said trying to shrug it off. Star just rolled her eyes and smiled. At that moment Marco's parents called you guys for dinner. When you got there you found a lot of food, and when I say a lot, I mean lots of burritos, enchiladas, tacos, just all out Mexican food. And you dug in. Marco looked at you and laughed.

  "You make it seem like you haven't eaten in weeks." He chuckled.

  "I don't get a lot of food at home, I mean, my dad gets hungry and eats all of it." You said casually. Marco looked confused and Star became a little angered.

  "Again? AGAIN? I thought you were eating! You said you were getting enough food!" She looked at you waiting for an answer.

  "I am getting enough! If I wasn't I wouldn't be here. Duh." You said rolling your eyes. Star overreacted like this and it annoyed you a lot. Like, A LOT.

  "How much do you weigh?" She asked skeptically.

  "Sixty-four pounds." Marco gasped and Star almost screeched.

  "What?" You asked surprised by their sudden outburst.

  "Eat. Don't stop eating." Marco said sternly. You shrugged and did as you were told.

  Not to long after you guys went to bed. You started thinking about Marco and if you really did like him or if he liked you. Not to long after you fell into a nightmare full sleep.

REALLY IMPORTANT: I'm so sorry about not updating!!!! In FOREVER!!! I can't believe how many people like this! Thank you guys so much!! I'll try and update more! :)

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