Chapter 2- The best surprise of my life!

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Hey guys! this is the second chapter hope you like it!!!:)


Chapter 2- The best surpise of my life!

Kat's pov -


Kels held my arm tightly. I thought we where going to meet them and just go. But surprised me with something totally amazing!

End of Re-cap

I screamed so loud that Kelsi had to cover her ears tightly. "You got us front row tickets for their concert too! OMFG! you shouln't have! This must have cost a fortune!"

I was so excited now and then that means that I would be able to see Niall up close!!

" HEY, HEY! it's not just for you, its for me too you know!" she sighed. We entered the arena and found our seats( not that we would need the seats) and waited for the concert to start!

I heard a familiar tune! I screamed with the crowed to the beginning of What Makes You Beautiful! I saw all of them Liam, Zayn, Louis, Harry and last but not least Niall! When the intro to the song started I saw Liam whisper something to Niall, pointing at me and Niall smiles his cute smile that revealed his braces at me and I blushed so badly that I really hope that they didn't notice.

When the first song finished the boys started the next song Live While we're Young! Liam started and so on, I felt Niall's eyes constantly looking at me.I was time for the twitter questions and Liam read it out

"Ok! its time for the twitter questions and the first question is . . . Can you say 'I love you' in Spanish? Ok I'm gonna have to go to Niall for this one!" Liam said excited.

Niall was sitting on the sofa in the middle of the stage with Harry and Louis, Niall stood up and looked for someone and he came over to where me and Kels was standing when he met my eyes he looked at me and said in his thick irsh accent.

"Te Amo!" and smiled at us and walked to where Liam was standing.

Then he read out the next twitter question "Ok! the next twitter question is . . . . 'Inbetweeners Dance?<3' from Kat Mcglynn Row A, Seat 1! Ok lads get up!" As Niall said this all the lads met in the middle of the stage and Louis mouthed " One, Two, Three!" and they all did the inbetweeners dance and then the where all looking for me and I hid behind Kels and they didn't spot me!

When the concert was over, we went over to their body guard, Paul and showed him our meet and greet tickets. Paul let us over the barrier and directed us where to go. Once we got back stage all the boys where their waiting for the two lucky fans who got to meet them.

As we walked towards them I saw all of them looking at us and then huddling up, saying stuff like "WOW! The blond one is hot" I heared a slow and husky voice say, I could tell it was Harry! I smiled at the ground and blushed and Kelsi was shaking. I was playing it cool so they wouldn't think I was a crazed fan.

"Hey! So what are your names?" asked Liam still exhausted from the concert.

" Kat. Kat McGlynn and this is my little sister, Kelsi McGlynn!" I said still playing the playing it cool card, I said Kelsi's name because I knew she wouln't be able to talk.

" Ah, you where the girl who asked us to do the Inbetweeners dance, speaking of which, where the hell where you!?" Louis said in his sass master voice.

"I was where you where you just couldn't see me!" I said , suddenly taking interest to the hem of me summer dress.

"I thought I saw you there! You where the one I said 'Te Amo' too wasn't it?" asked a thick irsh voice, it was obviously Niall.

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