Chapter 4 - The Interview . . .

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Hey,hey,hey! I know I have been slow on updating! I have been nagged at school by my mates to upload! lol. . . anyy wayys I got tickets for The Stadium Tour! Comment below if you guys got them or not! Ok back to the story! and chapter 4 here we come! xx


Chapter 4- The Interview . . .


"Thanks! Hey guys Kat has offered on make us breakfast! Anyone want pancakes?" He yelled over to the heap of people, lying on the couch, Kels was lying next Harry and Louis, Zayn and Liam where having their own conversation, probably band stuff.

Me and Niall started to make pancakes , we kind of made a mess in the kitchen because we had a little mini food fight! That was soon broken up by Daddy Directioner!

We made about 20 pancakes, but most of them were for the two of us! Well what can I say! We are hungry people!

Now the boys have to leave for the interview on daybreak! So me and Kels are staying in the tour bus.

End of Re-cap

Nialls P.O.V!

Funny how I forgot that interview! Ops! I may have told Kat a little lie! my bad. Right now we are just leaving the tour bus . . . but now I wish i hadn't, there was so many fans, I was nearly getting crushed, my my my, Kat and Kels really didn't know how lucky they were to stay in the tour bus! You know? So they didn't get crushed by the 'directioners'.

Liam saw me starting to freak out a bit, he gave me a concerned look and then waked towards me. Thats the best thing about having the boys, its better than going solo when I first entered the X Factor, I couldn't think of how I would cope being crushed by fans all the time! Yeah you've probably already guest by now, but if you haven't then I'm gonna tell you; I am claustrophobic

Some of the fans were saying. Well. Shouting thing like 'Louis can I have your Carrot?' 'Harry you can have my kitty!' This is crazy, and rude too, the things they shout at us!

Finally! We reached the big door that said 'ENTRANCE'. Me and the boys had to go get ready it's nearly time to go on, I met the two presenters that were are on the air I think their names are; Lorraine and Alid. Lorraine said she was from Glasgow, that's also where Kat and Kels are from but a few miles away, in a little towm called Gourock.

Its time to go on air, I don't know why I am so nervous, I guess I'm just worried about what questions might be asked . . .

Kats P.O.V

The boys just left literally two minuets ago, and fans are still out side! I hear them yelling thing like 'Louis I have Carrots!' and more sexual things I don't really want to say.

Me and Kels are now sitting on the sofa, bored as hell, flicking through some channels when MTV NEWS was saying something about One Direction and 'The Mystery Girls' . . .well this can't be good can it? I thought to my self, I thought I was covered so that none of the paps would see us, but I thought wrong didn't I.

"It seems like the lads of One Direction have their self's two girls on tour with them! They where reportedly seen with the Teen Heart-Throbs, last night leaving their concert in Glasgow. But who are these mysterious girls with them? Will they cause trouble between the band-" I couldn't listen any more. I switched the TV over to STV or now its called ITV but who gives?

A black haired women with brown-green eyes and a blue dress and a man with spiky Brown-blondish hair with chocolate brown eyes dressed in a dark blue suit appeared on the screen.

"Hello! And welcome back to Daybreak! It's 7:30 and we have 5 special guests on the show today! Ok everyone guessed by now? Its One Direction!" The lady I think is called; Lorraine said excitedly, as she said this the boys; Niall, Harry, Liam Louis and Zayn walked out to the studio.

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