Broken Dreams.

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Italics means flashbacks.

In the corner of the ring, a six-foot-one man was charging up his running finisher as eight thousand people in Providence, Rhode Island were counting down from three as he counted down. "3.2.1" Y/N runs and connects with the finisher hitting Sami Zayn nearly decapitating him.

The Dunkin Donuts Center pops in support as Y/N scurries to the downed Sami to get the pinfall. The referee slammed his hands into the mat, once and then twice but before he could count to three the referee was dragged out of the ring by a figure adorned in black.

Y/N broke up the pinfall attempt and looked at the figure with his mind pondering who it could be. At first, he thought it was the Bloodline. They had an extensive past just like nearly everybody in the back but they wouldn't stick up for Sami Zayn of all people even if they did super kick him during the lumberjack match.

"Who are you?"

"Your worst nightmare." 

He remembered that voice. They went way back to Y/N NXT's days. 

The figure reveals herself to be Rhea Ripley. 

He thought they were friends. They were friends, not close friends but friends never the less. They haven't talked since she snapped three weeks ago. She previously injured AJ earlier in the night with Judgement Day so why was she attacking him?

Y/N could only shout his frustrations at her "What the hell Rhea?!"

She doesn't answer, only smiling and waving at him which disturbs him to no end. But Y/N couldn't do anything to the oncoming onslaught he received from behind blindsiding the champion. The figure then took off the hood revealing it to be Edge who then waited till he got up before spearing him for good measure. Edge rolled out of the ring allowing the opportunistic Sami to pin him.

The referee obviously came back in the ring and slammed his hand into the mat three times. Securing Sami's victory.

Y/N was livid as he walked up the ramp ignoring the celebrating Sami. Each step he walked up the ramp he felt the weight of the match. Every punch, every kick, every blue thunder bomb, a helluva kick, every cheap shot. It was all not worth a thing because of Judgement Day.

He got screwed by the Judgement Day.

The one spear he received from Edge hurt more than anything Sami did. Not physically but more mentally he felt drained beyond belief. It was like the hope of retaining his title was slammed out of his body.

His body hurt and was exhausted but his anger was dulling most of the pain as he walked backstage thinking of ways to get even for the title he worked so hard to get back but was coming up with naught. He had a rematch clause but Judgement Day were clearly willing to get involved again.

Y/N has had a short but yet promising start. Joining the company in early 2018 when he was only eighteen he started at the performance center where he quickly impressed fans and higher-ups because of his ring ability that was already cultivated through years of practice.

He joined NXT UK where he stayed for a year before quickly moving on to NXT where he failed to win any gold but would keep making a very good impression on the higher-ups of Raw and Smackdown for his attitude and constant improvement.

Hence when he arrived on the main roster in September of 2021 as reinforcements for an ally. He kept on impressing in single matches as Y/N constantly improved and developed his move set which was becoming more and more diverse.

It only took him seven months where he went through a lot of ups and a lot of downs before he would win the IC title at Wrestlemania where he defeated Ricochet at Wrestlemania in a match that surprised everyone on night one.

Y/N and Ricochet both collapsed in the middle of the ring after they both tried to hit a crossbody on each other from the springboard. Y/N felt like he was hit by a Mack truck. They were in the midst of an intense battle that was reaching its climax. Both sides have already shown their cards and the bruising on both participants was evidence of that. Y/N was already feeling the bruising forming on his chest from the constant flying moves delivered to him.

However, Y/N gave as good as he got hitting Ricochet with everything in the arsenal but it wasn't enough Ricochet kept kicking out. He hit him with all his key moves, a Superkick, a lethal combination, a spine-buster, but it wasn't enough. The same could be said for him. He kicked out of a Spinning Michinoku Driver, A Running Single Knee Facebreaker, and a 630 senton.

Y/N managed to kick out of it all. The drive to win was too large he needed to win this match. Y/N was panting trying to fight to his feet as he heard the crowd cheer for him. "Let's go L/N. Let's go L/N." The crowd picked the side of the contender over Ricochet it was pretty motivating especially when the chant started for him but it felt like it followed him since he first debuted on Smackdown. It was pretty motivating.

Ricochet gets up first but is quickly followed by Y/N who gets hit by a dropkick but Y/N bounces back up quickly Y/N hits a dropkick of his own before he hits a clothesline of his own but Ricochet bounces up this time. Y/N hits a knee smash facebuster making Ricochet recoil and allowing Y/N to hit an inverted atomic drop making Ricochet hold his groin but Y/N kept moving forward hitting him with a superkick dazing him so that Y/N could hit him with a spine buster.

Y/N had hit him with nearly everything he had so Y/N decided to hit him with a move of his own. He does a springboard moonsault which lands flush on Ricochet's stomach. Y/N goes for the pinfall and watches as the referee counts to three.

Y/N was on the brink of tears after being handed the first title that he ever won in WWE at Wrestlemania. He thought he missed his chance to compete at Wrestlemania but he thought his way to this spot. When he was a kid he dreamed of times like this. He celebrated with the crowd before being confronted by Ricochet who offered his hand exchanging respect between the pair. "I want my rematch."

"Whenever you want."

Ricochet smiles "You're going to be champion for a short time."

He was. He would only get to defend it twice because tonight's intervention with his reign lasted a month because of Judgement Day because of their actions so he needed to get even.

It's just lucky for him he wasn't the only one with problems with Judgement Day.


 Do you also want to see Dominik Mysterio in the Judgement Day? A lot of Judgement Day stories have him being kicked out or not even mentioned. His being there will have no impact on the relationship with Rhea. He will be like a brother.

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