Path to Hell

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Monday Night Raw. May 30th of 2022

Rhea Ripley was scheduled for a solo match against Liv Morgan. 

The week prior Y/N and Finn were doing a team bonding exercise against Los Humbertos the last time they tagged together they lost to the Usos for the Smackdown tag team championships at Crown Jewel before they were split up on draft day with Finn going to Raw and Y/N staying on Smackdown.

The match didn't take long just Y/N and Finn were trying to work out the kinks of being tag team partners again but once it clicked Los Humbertos never stood a chance as a result the match was over after seven minutes with Y/N and Finn celebrating their victory.

Now 5 days out from Hell in a Cell Y/N was seeing Liv off as she was about to leave heading down to the ring. "Are you sure you don't want backup?"

"I'll be fine. If any other Judgement Day members come down then you're more than welcome to help but it's just me versus Rhea tonight. I need to beat her with no distractions. I need to prove I'm not some sacrificial lamb."

"Yeah, I'll be watching your back. You got this Liv."

Liv jokes "I know. I told you to."

Y/N was watching the match eagerly from his locker room watching every spot as it was much closer than the match a fortnight ago but Liv was still being rag-dolled around the ring.

Liv tried to do a baseball slide dropkick but was caught on Rhea's shoulder who looked like she was planning an electric drop. Liv wriggled free ending up on the apron she kicked her to make a small bit of separation.

She attempts to capitalize on the gap created with a hurricana which Rhea caught turning into a powerbomb before rebounding Liv into the barricade.

When the match went on a commercial break Damian snuck out to ringside to provide aid to support to his fellow faction member so Y/N followed suit joining Damian Priest at ringside in an attempt to help his tag partner at Hell in a Cell by preventing any outside interference.

So that when the match came back on the commercial break Y/N and Damian were both at ringside to support their respective teammates. Rhea was in control and about to hit a back suplex facebuster, but Liv kept fighting attempting a roll-up.

Only getting a two-count before Rhea kicks out. Both of them get up quickly before Liv tries a clothesline which Rhea agilely ducks under, and succeeds in the back suplex facebuster. She tries to do her own pinfall attempt but only gets a two count.

Rhea complains to the ref about it only being a two-count as Y/N tries to motivate Liv with the words of her childhood Idol. "Come on Liv. You got this. Don't give up." 

 the past two weeks, all three tag partners at Hell in a Cell got a lot closer fully having each other's back knowing that if they wanted to win they had to be united to stand against Judgement Day. It was a friendship built on necessity.

Rhea traps Liv's arms behind her leg and her back before grabbing her skin and pinching violently. Liv screams in discomfort as Y/N slams the apron trying to get the crowd involved as they start to clap for her as she starts to fight out of the hold.

She manages to get back to her feet before Rhea roughly grabs her hair and slams her into the mat. The referee tells Rhea to stop the hair pulling but she isn't listening, her eyes locked on to Y/N who was vehemently complaining "She pulled her hair. That can't be allowed."

Rhea applies a body triangle trying to take the fighting spirit out of Liv by taking the breath out of her. Rhea did as she did two weeks verbally assaulting her former tag partner "You keep latching onto better tag partners and drag them down to their level. I won't let you drag me down any longer"

"Come on Liv this is nothing. You can still win this."

Liv manages to break free of the hold again by turning Rhea's submission attempt into Liv's pinfall attempt, getting a two count, and forcing Rhea to break the hold. They both got up to their feet but Liv was greeted by a clothesline.

Rhea turns to brazenly mock Y/N by clapping at him and mocking his tag partner "That's your tag team partner." Y/N was getting annoyed. There wasn't anything he could do and the match was slowly ticking in Rhea's favor. If Y/N was being honest it wasn't slowly ticking but more like a rock falling down a mountain, Liv was just trying to slow down the descent.

Rhea keeps pushing Liv "You're pathetic. You've always been pathetic Liv. You make me weak. You make others weak. I won't let you drag me down any longer." Rhea pushes her again as she finally gets back to her feet "You're a weak individual."

Liv was incited as she returned a slap to the eradicator making Rhea hold her chin. She turns angrily and goes for a headbutt which Liv blocks using her hands as a shield.

Liv kicks Rhea to the gut making Y/N shout "Yeah!" She does an upward kick to Rhea making Y/N shout "Yeah!" again. Liv does an enziguiri hitting Rhea flush on the head making Rhea backtrack into the corner. Liv releases a primal shout finally getting back into the match.

Liv hits a step-up knee rocking Rhea she does a roly-poly gaining some space to run and attempting to do another attack on Rhea but she sidesteps. Rhea runs to do a spear into the turnbuckle but Liv sidesteps, sending her into the ringpost.

Rhea was sprawled out on the floor holding the shoulder as Liv slowly climbed up to the top rope waiting for Rhea who slowly clambered to her feet. Liv did a diving crossbody taking out Rhea.

Liv was on a roll as she fought her way back into the match she threw Rhea back into the ring who used the ropes to get herself up setting herself up for Liv to hit the oblivion. Liv goes to hit the move but Damian holds onto Rhea's belt allowing Rhea the chance to pin Liv who kicked out at two.

It was the same move Edge made three weeks ago when Y/N wasn't here. But now he is here so Y/N takes this moment to release all his frustration so he runs around the ring hitting a superkick to the jaw of the former US champion.

Y/N smiles after hearing the sweet connection before turning around to see an aggravated Rhea who was shouting at him "You think you did something? You did nothing!" Rhea grabbed Liv going to do a Riptide to her former tag partner but Liv slid over the top of her hitting a backstabber before doing a roll-up and securing the victory for herself.

Y/N quickly entered the ring in support of his tag partner who was holding her side. "You good?"

"Yeah." She smiles as Y/N picks her up in a hug.

Y/N lifts her arm up in celebration but it is cut short again when Damian Priest drags Y/N out of the ring by his feet and throws him into the barricade. He quickly picks up Y/N as if he were a child and runs into the barricade slamming him into it.

Y/N landed awkwardly making the hard bump onto the floor hurt even more.

Damian moves onto the ring where Liv tries to distract which works too well resulting in her needing to be saved by their final team member Finn. Finn ran down to the ring hitting a slingblade to Damain. Y/N gets to his feet preventing Damian from leaving with a running finisher before he throws him back in the ring.

Y/N joins them back in the ring as Rhea says to them "I'm not doing this with you guys right now."

Y/N and Finn just smiled agreeing to let the ladies handle it. Liv climbs up to the top rope hitting a diving dropkick which sends Rhea out of the way.

Y/N looks at Rhea who had captivated his attention but he snaps out of it when Damian gets to his feet using the ropes so Y/N hits a superkick to him before moving him into the perfect spot for a coup de grace which Finn connects with sending the Judgement Day a message on the final raw before Hell in a Cell. 

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